GTA 5 can become a lot more fun if you find the right player-made mods for a little bit of additional craziness.
While Rockstar Games continue to do an exemplary job of updating the game from time to time, player-made mods can be wild. These mods add fun new missions, cars, weapons, or simply crazy features to sum it all up.
5 weirdest GTA 5 mods of all time
Grand Theft Space

If you’ve always wanted to have a space adventure, while also stealing cars and blasting weapons, then this mod is for you. Strap into a spaceship and travel to the moon or Mars and even battle aliens. GTA has never been more fun.
Funny Vehicles

Imagine you’re driving down the road, and you look out your window to the right and there’s a man next to you, 'driving' his toilet seat.
This crazy mod in GTA 5 allows you to use anything like a car. And we literally mean anything.
Grand Theft Pokemon

If Pokemon Go wasn’t enough for you, then turn GTA 5 into your own Pokemon Land, where you can use your Pokeballs to capture not monsters but, 'humans'. Yes, you can capture basically any NPC in GTA 5 and then own them. If that doesn’t sound weird enough already, you can also use those humans to later fight for you.
The Lion King

The Lion King is a great movie and would make for a great video game as well, just not when it’s thrown into the world of GTA 5.
There is a mod in GTA using which you can play as the main characters of the Lion King. Hasn’t it always been your dream to do fast-paced car chases as an adult Simba with your trusty gang members, Timon and Pumba?
The Car Cannon

It’s exactly what it sounds like. In this weird mod, you can shoot cars out of your weapons, instead of plain old bullets, because that’s too old school, right?