GTA Online is one of the best examples of how to do a 'long-running game' or a 'game as a service' type model right. The base game is available for players currently with a copy of GTA V with no extra purchase, and every subsequent update is also free of cost.
It is one of the rare examples of a game being accessible to a large player base and not charging a whole lot of money with each update. GTA Online is a continually evolving presence, so much so, that players who haven't played the game for a while are left clueless at times.
Each major update in the game brings a lot of new things such as the Gunrunning update, which allowed players to purchase a Bunker and register as a VIP, CEO or MC President to begin arms trading missions.
In the gunrunning business, research and manufacture is carried out on stolen or purchased supplies, before selling off the product for cash.
GTA Online Gunrunning: All you need to know
GTA Online's Gunrunning update lets the players take control of their very own illegal arms trade empire. As one of the most lucrative businesses in the game, Gunrunning is extremely beneficial to the player.
In order to begin the player's small arms manufacturing businesses, players will have to purchase a Bunker. Once purchased, approach the laptop located in the Bunker and access the Disruption Logistics website.
The Disruption Logistics website can be used to manage Bunker Staff, Research, and buy Bunker Upgrades. There are three types of Missions that players can engage in using the DL, namely:
Setup: These are free missions that help procure the staff needed for manufacturing.
Resupply: These are the primary missions that help players getting the supplies after the setup.
Sell: These are the final missions that are required to sell the product and make a whole lot of money. However, these are extremely dangerous, and it is advised to play with high-level players when completing these missions in GTA Online.