GTA Online is one of the biggest games today, and has a massive player base that tunes in every day to wreak havoc with friends or otherwise. Such a title is an absolutely enormous undertaking for any studio, as it requires constant attention and maintenance to ensure a smooth gaming experience for all.
GTA Online, much like any other online multiplayer game, runs into issues from time to time. Functions such as server maintenance need to take place periodically that make servers across the board go down, and hence, players run into issues.
However, this shouldn't be much cause for concern, as this is common in most online multiplayer titles. GTA Online, for the most part, remains quite a smooth experience and server issues only ever-so-occasionally cause problems.
GTA Online: How to check server status

GTA Online and Rockstar Games let players check in on the service status of their services on the internet. Players can visit the Rockstar Support website to check the status of various Rockstar Game services.
Link to Rockstar Support service status
GTA Online's server status can be checked through the site as well as services such as Social Club, Red Dead Online, and Rockstar Game Launcher. Red indicates that a server is Down, Green means it is Up/Online, and Yellow symbolises that functionality is Limited.
This is an easy way to ensure for yourself whether the issue you are facing is widespread or only specific to your game. GTA Online servers periodically undergo maintenance, and thus, service is taken offline.
GTA Online is one of the most popular games in modern gaming, and Rockstar regularly changes things up in-game in the form of weekly updates. These arrive every Thursday, bringing discounts, bonus cash, and RP, as well as a new podium car.