GTA Online might just be one of the most expansive online multiplayer experiences currently available in the market. Rather than merely having a couple of game modes in addition to the fantastic Free mode, which would have also been just fine, Rockstar Games went above and beyond with GTA Online.
This offering has a variety of game modes, with even more match types within each. If that wasn't enough, it also has a quasi-business sim and property sim that allows players to make money off their investments.
All of this in tandem makes for an extremely rewarding and deeply-engaging gaming experience in GTA Online. As this title allows players to own a bunch of property all over San Andreas, players would also expect that they are allowed to sell their properties as and when they want.
However, it doesn't quite work like that, as gamers cannot directly sell apartments, garages, warehouses, or offices in this popular game.
How to sell an apartment in GTA Online
Players can buy as many as six properties, which includes the likes of garages, apartments, offices, or warehouses. He/she can buy any combination of these, up to six properties.
Once the player buys a seventh property, he/she must swap it with a previously-owned property. The catch is that if the property that the player is buying costs more than the one they're swapping it out with, he/she must pay the difference in cash.
However, if the property is cheaper than the one they swap it with, the player will be paid the difference straight to their Maze Bank account. Therefore, the gamer cannot directly sell property in GTA Online but can make some sort of a profit by swapping it out.
Also read: GTA Online: How to turn into an animal?