Even though GTA: Vice City released way back in 2002, the fourth game in the GTA series is still very popular among gamers. While few gamers like to play the game in a righteous manner, many of them prefer to take help of cheat codes, simply because it becomes easier to play the game.

When it comes to cars in GTA: Vice City, you would naturally want the best and the fastest. Sometimes it is not possible to get your hands on the shiny vehicles and that’s why these cheat codes for cars will help you enhance your car.
GTA: Vice City Cheat Codes for cars in PC
From Bloodring Banger to Saber Turbo, enter these cheat codes in your computer for getting easy access to cool cars in GTA: Vice City:
TRAVELINSTYLE: To get a Bloodring Banger
GETTHEREQUICKLY: To get a fast Bloodring Banger
GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST: To get an Alt Hotring Racer
THELASTRIDE : To get Romero's hearse
GETTHEREFAST: To get a Sabre Turbo
BIGBANG: In order to destroy all cars
WHEELSAREALLINEED: To make your car invisible
COMEFLYWITHME: To make cars can fly
SEAWAYS: To make cars float on water
GRIPISEVERYTHING: To improve car handling
AHAIRDRESSERSCAR: To get pink cars
LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS: To change wheel size
Apart from these, here are a few general cheat codes that might come handy for you while playing GTA: Vice City:
ASPIRINE: To acquire full Health
PRECIOUSPROTECTION: To get a full armour
THUGSTOOLS: To get weapons (Tier 1)
PROFESSIONALTOOLS: To get weapons (Tier 2)
NUTTERTOOLS: To get weapons (Tier 3)
YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE: To raise wanted level
LEAVEMEALONE: To lower wanted level
LIFEISPASSINGMEBY: To make the clock run faster
ONSPEED: To walk faster
BOOOOOORING: To walk slower
APLEASANTDAY: To enjoy a nice weather
ALOVELYDAY: To enjoy a great weather
ABITDRIEG: To make the weather cloudy
CATSANDDOGS: To make it rain
CANTSEEATHING: To make the ambience foggy