Do you love to play GTA wherever you are? Then you must have GTA: Vice City installed in your phone. To make your gaming experience a little more exciting you can use cheat codes! Yes, cheat codes! If you are under the impression that you will be able to use cheat codes only if you have a computer, PS4, PS3 or Xbox, then it’s time that you know that you can also use it in your phone.
How to use GTA: Vice City cheat codes in your mobile phones.
If you are wondering how to use it, then follow the steps below:
1. Download the Game Keyboard +.
2. Install the Game Keyboard + in your mobile phone.
3. Launch GTA: Vice City in your phone.
4. Press your homescreen button and go back to Game Keyboard + and select the “Show keyboard after exit”.
5. Go back to the game and you’ll see that the keyboard is visible.
6. Enter the cheat code you want and you are good to go!
GTA: Vice City Cheat Codes

The cheat codes that you can use in your mobile phones are more or less the same as the cheat codes used for computers. Although some of the computer cheat codes would not work in your phone. So, here are the cheats that you can use while playing GTA: Vice City in your mobile phones:
ASPIRINE – To maximize your health.
CANTTAKEITANYMORE – To commit suicide.
THUGSTOOLS – To use the basic weapons.
PROFESSIONALTOOLS – To use the light weapons.
NUTTERTOOLS – To use heavy weapons.
PRECIOUSPROTECTION – To get a bullet-proof vest (full armour).
YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE - To raise the level mark.
LEAVEMEALONE – To decrease the level mark.
PANZER – To use the tank.
KANGAROO – To make the cars jump.
COMEFLYWITHME- To make the car fly.
SEAWAYS – To drive the car on water.
BIGBANG- For exploding the vehicles.
APLEASANTDAY: To enjoy a nice weather.
ALOVELYDAY To enjoy a great weather.
ABITDRIEG To make the weather cloudy.
CATSANDDOGS To make it rain.
CANTSEEATHING To make the ambience foggy.