The tenth game in the GTA series, GTA: Vice City Stories, is the final game in the 3D Universe. Even though it came out back in 2006, it has quite a few cheat codes to offer its players.
In this article, we take a look at a few cheat codes for GTA: Vice City Stories that you can use if you play the game in a PS2 or PSP.
GTA: Vice City Stories Cheats for PS2

For armouring up: Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L1, R1.
For Tier 1 weapons: Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L1, R1.
For Tier 2 weapons: Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right.
For Tier 3 weapons: Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right.
For destroying cars: L1, R1, R1, Left, Right, Square, Down, R1.
For faster game time: R1, L1, L1, Down, Up, X, Down, L1.
For slower gameplay: Left, Left, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Triangle, X.
For faster gameplay: Left, Left, R1, R1, Up, Triangle, Down, X.
For getting $250000: Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L1, R1.
For full health: Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, L1, R1.
For raising the wanted level in GTA: Vice City Stories: Up, Right, Square, Square, Down, Left, Circle, Circle.
For overcast weather: Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Square.
For rainy weather: Left, Down, L1, R1, Right, Up, Left, Triangle.
For cloudy weather: Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L1.
For sunny weather: Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, Circle.
For clear weather: Left, Down, R1, L1, Right, Up, Left, X.
For making pedestrians attack you: Down, Triangle, Up, X, L1, R1, L1, R.
For making pedestrians follow you: Right, L1, Down, L1, Circle, Up, L1, Square.
For making pedestrians have weapons: Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, Circle, Right, Triangle.
To break out a riot among pedestrians: R1, L1, L1, Down, Left, Circle, Down, L1.
For making pedestrians enter your vehicle: Down, Up, Right, L1, L1, Square, Up, L1.
For spawning Rhino tanks: Up, L1, Down, R1, Left, L1, Right, R1.
For Trashmaster: Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L1, Triangle, L1, Triangle.
For perfect handling: Down, Left, Up, L1, R1, Triangle, Circle, X.
For chrome traffic: Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L1, R1.
For avoiding traffic: Up, Up, Right, Left, Triangle, Circle, Circle, Square.
GTA: Vice City Stories Cheats for PSP
For 100% MP Content: Up, Up, Up, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, L, R.
For 50% MP Content: Up, Up, Up, Circle, Circle, X, L, R.
For raising the wanted level in GTA: Vice City Stories: Up, Right, Square, Square, Down, Left, Circle, Circle.
For Tier 1 weapons: Left, Right, X, Up, Down, Square, Left, Right.
For Tier 2 weapons: Left, Right, Square, Up, Down, Triangle, Left, Right.
For Tier 3 weapons: Left, Right, Triangle, Up, Down, Circle, Left, Right.
For black cars: L, R, L, R, Left, Circle, Up, X.
For chrome cars: Right, Up, Left, Down, Triangle, Triangle, L, R.
For full armour: Up, Down, Left, Right, Square, Square, L, R.
For full health: Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Circle, L, R.
For $250000 in GTA: Vice City Stories: Up, Down, Left, Right, X, X, L, R.
For destroying cars in GTA: Vice City Stories: L, R, R, Left, Right, Square, Down, R.
For faster gameplay: Left, Left, R, R, Up, Triangle, Down, X.
For slower gameplay: Left, Left, Circle, Circle, Down, Up, Triangle, X.
For making the time faster: R, L, L, Down, Up, X, Down, L.
For clear weather: Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, X.
For foggy weather: Left, Down, Triangle, X, Right, Up, Left, L.
For overcast weather: Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left, Square.
For rainy weather: Left, Down, L, R, Right, Up, Left, Triangle.
For sunny weather: Left, Down, R, L, Right, Up, Left, Circle.
For making pedestrians attack you: Down, Triangle, Up, X, L, R, L, R.
For making the pedestrians have weapons: Up, L, Down, R, Left, Circle, Right, Triangle.
For breaking a riot among pedestrians: R, L, L, Down, Left, Circle, Down, L.
For perfect traction: Down, Left, Up, L, R, Triangle, Circle, X.
For spawning a Rhino: Up, L, Down, R, Left, L, Right, R.
For spawning a Trashmaster: Down, Up, Right, Triangle, L, Triangle, L, Triangle.