The import and export update introduced in 2016 features a range of GTA Online missions, providing players new ways to earn cash and automobiles in the game. These tasks, however, can be quite frustrating even for experienced players, as completing them is onerous.
GTA Online's Amateur Hour Import/Export mission

The import/export source mission of GTA Online' Amateur hour' for players can be a frustrating task for the GTA community. But it can be made easier through a simple trick. There's an efficient way of completing Amateur Hour, as explained by 'supersaiyanrose124'.
In the mission, a vehicle is stolen by an NPC, and you must chase them and return the vehicle while having a desired level of three stars. Doing so isn't easy, and it can get frustrating, but as explained, you can trick the NPC into getting out of the car and waiting for you.
All you need to do is initiate the police chase and then lose the stars toslow down the mission. The NPC would eventually stop driving and stand outside the vehicle. You can get there, shoot the NPC and drive back the stationary car.
Although this method looks a decent one, there is another way that seems even easier, as explained by a Reddit user' EditEd2x':
"You could stop using some handy spots to complete the mission before triggering the car and shooting the driver before the vehicle starts moving. Whatever method you choose here, it's much easier than trying to complete the mission as intended, so you can save a lot of time, effort and frustration by following some of the tips above."