GTA 5 requires you to do many criminal activities that involve a lot of killing. Sometimes you might have to eliminate a lot of enemies in order to complete the mission. When you're attempting to kill somebody, it is obvious that they will try to kill you too. For this, you need to know how to take cover and crouch behind objects in GTA 5.
How to crouch in GTA 5
The following steps will teach you how you can crouch and hide behind objects in GTA 5.
1. Find an object behind which you want to crouch
Boxes, corners, and cars can be found anywhere in GTA 5. They are one of the best objects to take cover behind. Low walls are also a good option. You need to face the object that you want to use as your cover.
2. Crouch

For taking cover, you need to press the 'Q' button if you are playing on your computer. If you are playing on a PlayStation, press R1 and for Xbox press the RB button. These are also known as the 'Cover' buttons.
3. Peeking
If you want to kill your enemy, then just crouching won't help. You need to peek in order to know where your enemy is standing. To do this, you need to hold the right click of your mouse, and in case of the console, you need to hold the left trigger. These are the 'Aim' buttons. If you release the 'Aim' button, you will go back to your crouching position.
4. Fire Away

If you want to fire, press the left-click on your mouse, or the right trigger if on the console. You can shoot over the top of your cover or around the sides. This will not expose your character's head or body in any way. However, it is better if you aim before shooting as it exposes a part of your body.
5. Leave
You can come out of your hiding by pressing the 'Cover' button.