C4 has been a favorite of the video gaming community in both shooter and open-world games, considering their remote detonation feature. Players can detonate these explosives from a safe distance and GTA 5 also features these remote explosives.
Remote detonation allows the user to be at a safe distance from the area of explosion. While grenades would also allow you to do the same in a firefight, they can often be rendered useless in vehicular warfare.
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How to detonate C4 in GTA 5 PC
The C4 explosives are called "Sticky Bombs" in GTA 5 and are a great tool to blow up vehicles and people from a safe distance. However, a lot of players may not know how to detonate these explosives once placed at the desired target.

Here's how to detonate sticky bombs.
- Throw the sticky bomb at the desired target
- Press the "G" Key to detonate the bomb. (G is the default control for detonating explosives. Check Key Bindings in the Control section of the Pause Menu.)
Players can often place these bombs and forget to detonate or not remember the process altogether. Thus, ensure that you look up Key Bindings and customize them according to your comfort.
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The alternative way to detonate a sticky bomb is to shoot at it. The bomb will detonate as soon as it is hit by a bullet. This is a very fun way to get your friends to listen to your commands while playing GTA: Online.
You can lob a Sticky Bomb onto their car and threaten to detonate it. This can result in hilarity and lots of spontaneous Deathmatches in Freemode in GTA: Online.
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Sticky bombs are extremely useful in vehicular fights as lobbing grenades at cars driving alongside you or in front of you can be difficult. Sticky bombs, on the other hand, will stick to cars and you can pull away from the car before detonating it.