GTA V is one of the most authentic and immersive open-world game experiences in all of gaming. The game was developed by Rockstar Games, who are quite popular for their great attention to detail with regards to the game world.
The developers incorporated several details in the GTA V open world that make the game a truly immersive experience, in which the player can spend countless hours just exploring the city.
GTA V doubled down on the immersive nature of the game by incorporating a first-person perspective mode, which helps deliver an even more immersive experience and draws the player in.
The narrower field of vision can be an issue for some players but the trade-off is that the player feels more involved in the game world. The third-person perspective always creates a feeling of "looking in" to a game world rather than being in it.
How to get out of the first-person mode in GTA V PC
Players, often as a result of a random and accidental button press, may find themselves in the first-person mode. This mode can be disorienting for a lot of players as they are more used to playing GTA V in the third-person mode.
There is a simple solution to this problem. All the player needs to do is press the "Change View" button assigned to a key (V, by default) to instantly snap out of the first-person mode.
The first-person mode can often be impeding to a lot of players as the restricted field of view can be a massive hurdle. However, this perspective is one that lends itself the most to immersion.
Even games like Cyberpunk 2077 have chosen to go down the first-person route, with CD Projekt Red even stating that a first-person perspective was one that provided the most immersion.