GTA Online is one of the best aspects of the Grand Theft Auto franchise. The online counterpart to GTA 5 makes the emulated gangster experience all the more fun, as players can join their friends, build a crew and hustle their way to the top of the Los Santos underworld.
GTA Online is understandably successful, with a community that keeps growing every day. However, the experience can be made all the more enjoyable by exploiting certain glitches that plague this otherwise arguably perfect title.
Recently, the community has come across a roster of glitches that can make gameplay in GTA Online considerably easier, or at least funnier.
3 GTA Online glitches that can come in handy or are just entertaining
Bike speed glitch
As demonstrated by YouTuber Kxlz, the bike speed glitch is a really useful one, although executing this might be a little tricky. Before trying this one out on GTA Online, players will need to find a long stretch of road, preferably a runway or a deserted racing track. Players also need a friend to execute this one.
Now, both players need to turn to each other while riding the bike and try to interlock. The video explains it better. If they manage to do this, the speed of their bikes will be enough to give a race car a run for its money.
The red container glitch
GTA Online streamer Chud Spannaday spotted this insane and frankly quite hilarious glitch. Executing this glitch can be a little tiring as players might not get it right.
This glitch mostly works like a magic trick and will require a friend. Players will need to find a red cargo container and look away from it while their friend blows its door open.
Now, ask the friend to drive a car into the container. When the player turns to look at the container now, he/she should see the car and the container should be hilariously glitching out.
Aircraft spawn
This one has been demonstrated by InControlAgain, a noted YouTuber. This glitch will allow players to spawn any aircraft of their choice right beside them in GTA Online.
First, players will need to request a personal aircraft of their choice. Right after they have done that, they need to quickly request a CEO Buzzard or a Sparrow. This will cause a glitch that spawns the requested personal aircraft right next to the player, no matter where he or she is.
And the best part? Players can wreak havoc around the city by randomly spawning huge aircrafts this way.
Also read: Top 5 GTA RP streamers with the highest viewer hours in August 2021