The world of GTA 5 blew players away when they got their hands on it back in 2013. The sheer scale and attention to detail from Rockstar Games was unparalleled for its era and made for a lot of fun in terms of discovering new secrets and Easter eggs. Among these Easter eggs, players discovered the frozen alien in Ludendorff, the ghost of Leonora Johnson and more almost instantly and they are fairly well known. Here's a look at some of the less obvious Easter eggs and pop culture references that GTA 5 has to offer.
3 lesser known GTA 5 Easter eggs
1) No Country for Old Men reference
Rockstar Games has an affinity for dropping subtle hints and references to popular movies in their video games. Previous GTA titles have seen references to Scarface, Goodfellas and more while GTA 5 gets a dose of the Coen Brothers No Country for Old Men. On approaching Paleto Bay, players might come across a random event where a briefcase lies on the side as a result of a deal gone wrong. After collecting the briefcase, the player must escape/take down a bunch of pusuers to keep their prize.
2) RIP Benny Harvey (Limmy's Show)

Perhaps one of the most unexpected references in the game, Rockstar Games added an homage to Scottish comedian and sketch maker, Brian Limond, better known as Limmy. The reference in question is to a clip from Limmy's Show that is linked below:
3) Trevor will override the player's music choice in Crystal Maze
During the mission 'Crystal Maze' in GTA 5, Trevor gets the news that his partnership with the Chengs has fallen through due to the O'Neil brothers getting the deal. Enraged, Trevor assaults Tao Cheng and goes on a rampage to get the deal the only way he knows how - get rid of the O'Neils. If the player changes the radio station to a peppy track on the way to the O'Neils during his fit of rage, Trevor will comment that "This music's all wrong" and change it to metal/hard rock.
Also Read: Why buying a Bunker is a great investment for GTA Online players this week