The Criminal Enterprises DLC for GTA Online has given a boost to all of the businesses that players can build in the game, including CEO organizations. So if players want to become CEOs and buy offices in GTA Online, now is the best time to do so.
However, many players may remain skeptical of this type of business and what it can offer them, particularly in terms of money. As a result, this article will attempt to present players with five of the most significant benefits they receive when they become a CEO in GTA Online after the Criminal Enterprises DLC.
Here are the advantages players get when they become a CEO in GTA Online after the Criminal Enterprises DLC
5) Ability to spawn vehicles
Being a CEO in GTA Online gives players many useful abilities, but the most prominent and effective one is to spawn vehicles whenever they need to travel.
Players can choose from over 20 impressive vehicles, including the Buzzard Helicopter and the Armored Cognoscenti. Thus, this ability is very useful to have, especially during dangerous situations where players need to escape quickly. This ability is also useful during grinding sessions.
4) Export Mixed Goods
This is a new mission that CEOs can access in GTA Online that was added with the Criminal Enterprises DLC. Players only need to go to their office and speak with their assistant and then select the option "Export Mixed Goods."
These Mixed Goods are extra supplies that players don't need in their warehouse, so players don't have to worry about losing anything valuable. When players begin this job, they will be directed to a truck filled with these Mixed Goods, which they must transport to a specific place (usually located on the docks).
There could be NPCs (non-player characters) that try to stop players from making this delivery. So they need to stock up on ammo and have effective weapons. Even though these NPCs are usually easy to kill, they should not take their chances. Finally, players will be rewarded for their efforts when they make the delivery.
3) Minimap invisibility
Doing all of the CEO missions is really stressful, especially when other GTA Online players are continuously attempting to undermine your efforts. As a result, when players are CEOs, they have a particular ability that is very handy if they want to complete missions swiftly without constantly worrying about other players in a session.
This is the "Ghost Organization" ability, which players can access while they are the CEO of an organization via the "CEO ability" option in the interaction menu. With this skill, players and their associates will be invisible on the minimap for three minutes. To use the ability, all the player has to do is pay roughly $12,000.
2) Exporting and Importing vehicles
This is a pretty simple vehicle cargo mission in which players basically need to buy a vehicle warehouse. They can then begin sourcing vehicles, which basically means stealing the cars from a particular location and transporting them to warehouses.
They can steal a maximum of 32 vehicles that are divided into three ranges: top-range, mid-range, and standard-range. Players just need to look out for top-range vehicles and sell them to get the most amount of money.
Since there are only 32 vehicles to steal, players can to collect all of the mid-range and standard-range vehicles and keep them in their warehouse. They can then choose to sell only the top-range ones.
1) Source Special Cargo
This is probably the most lucrative ability that has been added for CEOs in GTA Online. Players just need to pay their warehouse employees (such as Lupe) to get them to source Special Cargo and deliver it to their warehouses.
This means that players will automatically get Special Cargo delivered every 45 minutes to their warehouses without them doing anything. This is probably one of the easiest ways to earn passive income in GTA Online.