Side characters played a significant role in GTA San Andreas, one of the most rated Rockstar titles of all time.
From drunk maniacs to romantic poets to washed-up daydreamers, the game featured a diverse assortment of profound characters. While some aided Carl Johnson in his not-so-noble cause, others added a touch of humor to the game.
Not every GTA San Andreas character, however, was worth gushing about. Some were downright vexing.
This article talks about five of the most annoying side characters in GTA San Andreas.
Note: This article reflects the author's views
5 most frustrating characters from GTA San Andreas
#5 - OG Loc
OG Loc is one of the most annoying characters from GTA San Andreas. Every time he opened his soap-deprived mouth, players felt like bashing his teeth right in. OG Loc should have taken a few classes on social norms and basic ethics before making an appearance in GTA San Andreas.
Sure, the game is all about being as cranky as possible, but the old goon takes it way too far and has certainly earned the ire of players.
#4 - Jizzy B
Jizzy B is one of the irritating side characters who hangs around the game for no reason. He's only around to get a rise out of the player. Jizzy B is a ghost at best, with no real traits or interesting ideas. His disagreeable behavior towards CJ, the protagonist of GTA San Andreas, is another reason why players find him so annoying.
#3 - Eddie Pulaski
GTA San Andreas had quite a few dull characters, but if there's one archetype Rockstar shouldn't have bothered with, it's Eddie Pulaski's. From his general role in the game, he seems to be trying too hard to be an impressive shadow of Tenpenny. It's also, perhaps, how he dooms himself.
GTA San Andreas wouldn't have suffered a great loss had Pulaski been pushed behind the curtain for the entirety of the game.
#2 - Zero

Zero had potential, GTA San Andreas fans will give him that, but he did a good job of blowing it all up with his unlikeable personality and lack of depth. The only important role Zero plays in GTA San Andreas is providing CJ another revenue stream with his RC venture.
#1 - Catalina

Players still don't understand why Catalina behaves the way she does in GTA San Andreas, screeching all the time in that blood-curdling pitch of hers, becoming not only the most annoying character from GTA San Andreas but the entire series. Perhaps that's what she was made for: making players want to rip their hair out of the scalp. A popular archetype that every game has to bring up at one point or another.