Like every other multiplayer game, GTA Online is no stranger to the infectious resentment of griefers.
It's almost impossible to find a lobby where everyone is just minding their own business and having fun instead of waiting for an opportunity to leap at each other's throats. However, there is no way to control this sort of behavior in GTA Online because the game actually encourages players to do whatever they can to get an edge over others.
This article talks about the five most vexing types of griefers found in GTA Online. They may or may not consider themselves griefers, but that doesn't make their actions any less annoying.
Worst kind of Griefers in GTA Online
#5 - The Tryhards
Tryhards are everywhere. In an academic setting, they're often called nerds. Much like Hermione Granger, always pumped up and willing to go the extra mile.
In gaming, however, tryhards have a bit of a bad reputation, mostly because their tenacious determination to win every game tends to create a lot of tension for other players in the session.
While some people don't mind the enthusiasm of Tryhards and even welcome the opportunity to engage in a full-fledged virtual war, they can be extremely annoying for casual players who just want to kick back with an exciting job and have fun.
#4 - Oppressor MK II Griefers
GTA Online features a number of high-end vehicles, but the likes of the Oppressor MK II have seldom been seen in gaming before. Indeed, the futuristic flying bike, for better or worse, completely changed the dynamic of the multiplayer game.
As if GTA Online lobbies weren't already plagued by the onslaught of griefers, this vehicle encouraged people to drop lethal bombs from the sky, annihilating everything and everyone in the targeted radius. In hindsight, perhaps the Oppressor MK II shouldn't have been so ridiculously powerful.
#3 - The foul-mouthed attention-seekers
Ever walked into a room full of people expecting warmth and generosity and instead got dunked on pretty hard for no reason at all? Well, that's GTA Online. Players cannot expect the game to be all beer and skittles. Griefers are very common in GTA Online, and they like to make others feel small to feel good about themselves, which might explain the kind of language they use when trash-talking others.
#2 - The Bounty Hunters
The Bounty Hunters can be found in every GTA Online lobby. They sulk in the shadows, waiting for someone to come rolling down the street, and sporting a bunch of high-value crates.
That's when they strike and cause a massive explosion, claiming what isn't theirs. However, these types of griefers can hardly be blamed. GTA Online actually encourages this sort of behavior to keep the flint burning. After all, what would GTA Online be like without a bit of chaos
#1 - Orbital Cannon Griefers
Oh, and, of course, this one makes it to the top of the list. Orbital Cannon Griefers deserve some credit for using such a notoriously expensive service to cause chaos in a session.
Not only is the Orbital Cannon the most expensive weapon in GTA Online, but it's also the most devastating. Capable of annihilating everything and everyone in the targeted vicinity, this beast of a weapon is a griefer in itself.