Mods in GTA games offer a variety of ways to play the games. They make the same old games replayable by introducing new content. This can include anything from improved graphics to new gameplay mechanics.
Sometimes, they may also add new methods of earning money to the game. This article presents five such mods that help players earn money in GTA 5. Some of these are simple scripts whereas others add interesting new mechanics to the game.
Some of the best GTA 5 mods for getting more money
5) SinglePlayer Money Giver

This is a simple script mod where players get money every time they press E while in-game. However, there's a known bug where one may get their money deducted for pressing E too many times.
This mod isn't recommended for players who use trainers (mod menus) as they have already added such an option.
4) Add Money Script

Just like the previous mod, this is also a simple script mod that adds money to the Story Mode characters' accounts. However, unlike the previous mod on this list, this one simply fills the account balance to the maximum limit (a bit over $2 billion).
The protagonists will have their balance refilled every time they spend money. Hence, this script is more like an unlimited money mod.
3) Detailed Money Menu
While this script mod is also very similar to the ones mentioned above, there's a small difference. This one comes with a menu which allows players to choose the amount of money they wish to add.
Players should read the accompanying instructions for using the in-game menu as it uses a different set of controls.
2) Jump Distance w/Earn Money
The 3D Universe Grand Theft Auto games all had a common interesting feature involving stunt jumps. Attempting a vehicular stunt jump would grant a monetary bonus depending on the intensity of the jump. This mod simply adds this feature back to Grand Theft Auto 5's Story Mode.
1) Hack Money

This is undoubtedly the most intriguing mod in this list as it allows an entertaining method of earning millions in mere minutes. Players can 'hack' Lifeinvader, Premium Deluxe Motorsport, the Galileo Observatory and the Humane Labs by visiting these locations.
Then, they must press E to begin 'hacking', which will take up to 5 seconds. This will result in a payout of $25,000 to $1.25 million.
Note: This article reflects the writer's opinions.