GTA Online is a game with hundreds to thousands of possible items that players could consider buying at any given time. And not all items are created equally in this game; some are bound to be better investments than others. That naturally means that GTA Online players will have to prioritize purchasing certain items over others.
Fortunately, this article will showcase five of the best possible items that every player should consider purchasing at some point, ideally when they have enough money. Some players' priorities will vary, but this list should serve as a good starting guide for beginners wondering what items they should aim for in the long run.
Five things that every GTA Online player should buy
5) Nightclub

The Nightclub is a business that gives GTA Online players a good source of passive income (up to $50,000 every 48 minutes). That's especially helpful, considering that gamers will always have something to do in this game. However, that's not the sole reason to get the Nightclub.
Purchasing this property is required to get the Terrorbyte, which, in turn, is required to give the Oppressor Mk II homing missiles. Given how broken that vehicle is for PvE situations — not to mention its potential in PvP — a Nightclub is a property that every serious player should consider getting in this game.
4) Any bulletproof vehicle

It doesn't matter if the player goes with a Duke O'Death or an Armored Kuruma. All that matters is that they have a bulletproof vehicle that can protect them from this game's amazingly accurate NPCs. After all, dying will force the player to restart certain missions, thus costing them precious time and money in the long run.
There will be some situations where the player can't realistically dodge every incoming bullet based on pure skill alone. Hence, it's highly advisable that GTA Online players purchase any bulletproof vehicle, preferably something that's bulletproof on more than one side.
Similarly, a vehicle that can withstand multiple missiles like the Nightshark is helpful for surviving against other players.
3) Weapon Workshop
This handy feature is available in a few properties and vehicles as an optional purchase. It basically gives GTA Online players access to the Mk II weapons, many of which are among the best in the game. For example, the Heavy Sniper Mk II is a player's best long-range option. Similarly, any of the Mk II variants of the assault rifles will be among the player's most-used choices for general combat.
Given how many different properties and vehicles make use of this feature, most players should have some convenient way to access it at any given time. Gamers who don't buy a Weapon Workshop will have to deal with inferior weaponry by comparison.
Some upgrades for the ammo of these guns come from the Bunker's research feature, so GTA Online players should also consider getting a Bunker to get those upgrades. Keep in mind that getting upgrades is completely random and will cost either time or money to obtain.
2) Oppressor Mk II

As hated as this vehicle might be, there is no denying that the Oppressor Mk II is extremely convenient to use. It's fast, capable of flying through the air, braindead to use, and has the potential to use missiles. GTA Online players also have to purchase a Terrorbyte to upgrade the Oppressor Mk II, making that an honorable mention on this list.
This flying motorcycle can trivialize most missions where it's available for players to use. It doesn't just terrorize other players; it can also make short work of most NPCs. Even if one doesn't care for its sheer destructive capabilities, they can still use it as a terrific vehicle for getting from one destination to another.
Players who also own a Terrorbyte can spawn the Terrorbyte via the Interaction Menu. Doing that would quickly allow them to access this vehicle; it is stored in the Terrobyte, after all.
1) Kosatka
The main reason to buy a Kosatka in GTA Online is to start The Cayo Perico Heist. That heist is the best moneymaker for solo players that don't rely on exploits or specific event weeks. At worst, the player could earn $900,000, which isn't bad at all for something that is easy to grind.
Once players get in the groove and understand all of the efficient tricks of the heist and its preparation missions, they can easily earn millions of dollars a day. The amount of money one could earn from this investment is far too good to ignore, making it easily the best purchase for most GTA Online players.
Essentially, this vehicle is a catalyst for the best general moneymaker in all of GTA Online. New players should keep in mind that much of the new content in this game is ridiculously expensive, meaning that they need great moneymakers to keep up-to-date.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.