Freemode can be the most chaotic and brutal way to experience GTA Online, but it can also be the most rewarding.
Most GTA Online players spend their time in Freemode, whether it is doing Contact Missions, re-supply missions or heist set-ups.
Freemode is where GTA Online players come together to wage an all-out assault on each other in a toxic battle for supremacy. Not only does the game encourage this kind of behavior, but it also practically begs players to take the fight to each other.
Whether it is broadcasting certain players' locations during heist set-ups and supply runs or placing bounties, the game wants everyone to be at each other's throats. This is why it is best to always be prepared for a surprise fight to the death and a battle for attrition in GTA Online's Freemode.
Weapons that players will need to survive GTA Online's Freemode in 2021
1 - Heavy Sniper MKII
The Heavy Sniper, especially its MKII variant, is a must-have for GTA Online players. When equipped with explosive ammo through Bunker research, the Heavy Sniper MKII can punch through the heaviest armor in the game.
Resistance is futile against the Heavy Sniper MKII. The weapon's ability to pick off targets across the map makes it a devastating force of nature in GTA Online.
2 - RPG
RPGs and Homing Launchers are the best anti-vehicle weaponry after the Heavy Sniper MKII. The RPG might not have the lock-on feature of the Homing Missile, but it does far more damage upon contact.
If the player is trying to hit a relatively slow vehicle in GTA Online, the RPG might be better suited to the job than a Homing Launcher. Players should always be ready for a fight and to switch to faster weapons in case they miss too many shots with the RPG.
3 - Special Carbine
The Special Carbine is the most quintessential weapon in GTA Online. It is as useful to a new player as it is to a veteran. Its MKII variant is slightly more powerful than usual and allows for more attachments and ammo types.
The Special Carbine is a great, balanced weapon that is effective in mid-range and close-range combat in GTA Online's Freemode.
4 - AP Pistol
Drive-bys are quite a regular occurrence in GTA Online, so it only makes sense for players to ride around with a fast, one-handed weapon. The AP Pistol has a high rate of fire with a decent damage count that makes it a formidable weapon.
While it is no slouch in any department, the AP Pistol is still miles away from being the strongest weapon in the game. However, its versatile nature and high rate of fire certainly give it an edge.
5 - Assault Shotgun
The Assault Shotgun is a weapon that nobody wants to go up against in close range. In PvE, this shotgun is an absolute must-have to clear out an entire room of enemies in quick succession.
The Assault Shotgun is an absolute wrecking ball with a monstrous punch and a high rate of fire.