Zombies are pop culture icons at this point, so it is only natural that they have made their way to GTA 5.
Zombies have always been a popular topic in video games, from The Walking Dead to The Last of Us. It seems like gamers can't get enough of gunning down hordes of undead brain eaters.
Rockstar themselves have dabbled in zombie content in the "Undead Nightmare" DLC for Red Dead Redemption. However, Rockstar has made it clear that they do not plan to release Undead Nightmare for Red Dead Redemption 2.
Well atleast players can still get Zombies in GTA 5 by using mods. There are a ton of zombie mods for GTA 5 that turn Los Santos into a post-apocalyptic hellhole.
In this article, we will be looking at the best zombie mods for GTA 5.
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Best zombie mods in GTA 5
#1- The Dead Among Us project
The Dead Among Us project gives Los Santos a post-apocalyptic makeover and turns all NPC's into zombies.
Once activated, the mod will change the environment to give it a more ruined look. Buses are burning, cars are wrecked and vegetation is taking over the city. The mod also adds weather effects like heavy rain and lightning.
Download the mod here.
#2- Simple zombies
The simple zombies mod turns GTA 5 into a survival horror game.
Players will need to keep track of their stamina, thirst and hunger while looking out for zombies. To replenish these stats, players will need to go out and scavenge materials that can be consumed.
The mod also includes crafting options for resources and weapons.
Players can build bases with friendly NPC's and fortify them by crafting walls and security measures.
Download the mod here.
#3- Zombie apocalypse military base mod

This mod lets players role-play as a soldier in a military base during a zombie outbreak.
The military base is a well-known zombie cliche at this point, and this mod lets players live that fantasy.
The military base can be fully explored as a soldier. It has guard towers, common areas, armories and a detention center.
This mod also has a multiplayer FiveM version for role-playing.
Download the mod here.
#4- Zombie vehicles
The zombie vehicles mod lets players spawn modded vehicles.
The Mad Max-inspired vehicles are fitted with ramps, saws, blades and anything that hurts, making them perfect for ramming into hordes of zombies.
The creator of the mod has released 3 zombie vehicle packs so far, each containing new variations and skins.
Download the mod here.
#5- Daryl Dixon mod

The Daryl Dixon mod lets players play as Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead TV series.
The Walking Dead is one of the most iconic pieces of zombie fiction and Daryl Dixon is a fan favorite character on the TV show.
This mod gives players a Daryl skin and they can install another mod to get his iconic crossbow.
This mod should be paired with the Dead Among Us project for a full Walking Dead experience.
Download the skin here.
Download Daryl's crossbow here.
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