GTA San Andreas follows the story of Carl "CJ" Johnson, a gangbanger who returns to his hometown and embarks on a quest to fix all the issues plaguing his gang and family. Such a journey would have been impossible without friends and allies, and CJ's story highlights the importance of strong relationships.
The storyline of Grand Theft Auto San Andreas is considerably longer than its predecessors, and as such, Rockstar included a much larger cast. CJ makes plenty of allies throughout the story, many of whom are there for him till the end. So here's a list of some of his most loyal friends and allies who stayed with him through thick and thin.
Note: The article is subjective and reflects the writer's opinion.
5 GTA San Andreas characters who were always there for CJ
1) Cesar
GTA San Andreas handles controversial issues quite well, and one of the best examples is the relationship between Cesar and CJ. The Johnson brothers are initially suspicious of Cesar Vialpando, the Mexican gangster and Varrios Los Aztecas leader who is dating their sister Kendl. However, by the end of the story, Cesar has become like another brother to CJ.
He's the one who assists CJ in uncovering the truth behind the Green Sabre. He also helps expose Big Smoke's betrayal in GTA San Andreas. Cesar is a constant companion throughout the game who pops in during key missions. He also helps CJ in setting up their garage business and restoring their own gangs to their past glory.
2) Kendl
Kendl Johnson is CJ's and Sweet's only sister, and as such, both brothers are quite protective of her. However, it becomes apparent in the story that Kendl is the brains behind their operations, especially in San Fierro. In fact, she's quite bossy and has often rebuked CJ and the others when she deemed them too lazy.
Kendl's relationship with Cesar initially causes tension with Sweet, who has reservations about his sister dating a Mexican man. However, her fierce independence is why CJ and Sweet eventually got along with Cesar and his gang.
3) Woozie
Wu Zi Mu, better known as Woozie, is the leader of the Mountain Cloud Boys, which is a part of the San Fierro Triads. Although he might seem suspicious at first, his loyalty is eventually revealed. This leads to an unusual partnership between the Triads and the GSF. Woozie is quite eloquent and well-mannered, but his blindness is often used as comic relief.
This is also why Woozie is one of the most iconic characters in GTA San Andreas. CJ and Woozie also share some innocuous moments together, like playing video games, where the latter manages to win despite being blind. He becomes a partner with CJ in the Casino business and helps him until the end.
4) Sweet
Sean "Sweet" Johnson is the leader of the Grove Street Families (GSF) in GTA San Andreas and the big brother to CJ and Kendl. He can often come off as harsh, especially to CJ, but this is only because of how the latter left them in the past. As someone who grew up in and survived the ruthless lifestyle of the ghetto, he constantly reminds CJ of his roots.
This is just his way of showing affection as a concerned elder brother and can be interpreted as tough love. Although Sweet initially blamed CJ for the death of Brian, their younger brother, and accused him of running away, he ultimately welcomed him back into the gang.
5) The Truth
The Truth in GTA San Andreas is a satirical depiction of a hippie who initially seems to be there for comic relief, but he plays a vital role in the story. He is pivotal in assisting Carl with his garage business in San Fierro, as well as recruiting several allies to help him do so.
CJ also meets with Kent Paul and Maccer through The Truth, and they end up helping him with managing Madd Dogg, the rapper. One of the missions in GTA San Andreas offered by The Truth also resulted in CJ acquiring a jetpack.