Despite being widely regarded as one of, if not the most, dark and gritty games in the series, there are quite a few comical moments in GTA 4. Most of these involve Roman, Niko's cousin and foil who also acts as a comic relief, but other characters and even some unexpected gameplay moments come off as hilarious.
We've made a list of some of the funniest moments from Grand Theft Auto 4 that involve story segments, certain conversations, and even glitches.
Note: This article is subjective and only reflects the writer’s opinions.
Top 5 comical moments in GTA 4
5) The introduction

The very beginning of Grand Theft Auto 4 has some of the most hilarious cutscenes. When the game starts and Niko sets foot in Liberty City, he is met by an extremely drunk Roman Bellic, who is celebrating the fact that his cousin is here. In fact, Roman is so drunk that he fails to understand Niko as he greets him in their native tongue.
Later, when they get to Roman's apartment, it's revealed that Niko has been lied to by his cousin. Roman used to send him emails where he described his lavish lifestyle in the States, suggesting that he was living the American Dream. The resultant conversation Niko has during this moment and the harsh reality of the situation is one of the best comical moments in GTA 4.
4) Conversations with Real Badman
Real Badman is a Jamaican gangster who became closely associated with Niko Bellic throughout the events of Grand Theft Auto 4. However, what makes this relationship interesting is that they don't understand each other too well. This is why his interactions with Niko are some of the most comical moments in GTA 4.
While Niko and Little Jacob can understand each other despite the latter's heavy Jamaican accent, it's much harder to figure out what Badman is saying. This is made obvious by Niko's facial expressions during the cutscene to the mission "Shadow." Badman's excessive paranoia makes his speech much more difficult to comprehend than Jacob's.
3) Niko's fake Love Meet profile

During the mission "Out of the Closet," Brucie and Roman help make a fake Love Meet profile for Niko where he's portrayed as a homosexual man. This was to lure out another gay man called Tom Rivas, whom Brucie wanted dead as he hadn't paid back his debt.
The hysterically funny is a worthy addition to the most comical moments in GTA 4. And it's quite obvious that Roman and Brucie were having a field day when making it. For instance, the "About Me" section starts with the following line:
"I am a vulnerable guy who needs to be held by big strong arms."
2) Roman sleeping while Niko talks
When Roman asks Niko about what he's been up to since he left home and why he never talks about it, Niko initially refuses to explain. However, when he finally starts talking about the Yugoslav Wars, in which Niko got to see and most likely also participated in several war crimes, Roman is revealed to be sleeping. The dark moment turns into one of the most comical moments in GTA 4 almost instantly.
1) When you discover the swingset glitch
The GTA series has some hilarious glitches, but one of the most unexpected ones you can find is the swingset glitch in Grand Theft Auto 4. You simply need to find one of the many glitched swings in Liberty City, which will naturally be inside parks. If you bring a vehicle over and press against the swing, you'll be launched high into the sky, often at a ridiculous speed.
Sometimes, you may even be thrown out of the car. The unexpected catapulting makes this glitch one of the most comical moments in GTA 4.
Also Read:
- Major downgrades GTA 4 had compared to San Andreas
- Why GTA 4 is considered the best in the series
- Why GTA 4 Remastered might never become a reality