GTA Online makes a great case for itself as one of the most in-depth online multiplayer experiences that lets players tailor their character according to their preferences.
Not only can the player pick and choose from all sorts of clothing items and weaponry, but they can also utilize neat gear and gadgets to help them out in GTA Online.
Players can often forget that these pieces of equipment can come into use in the regular game outside of heists as well. The game rarely does any hand-holding and leaves it up to the player to figure out how things work.
Eventually, players will find that getting their hands on high-quality tech and gear is the key to moving forward in GTA Online.
Oftentimes, players will find themselves thoroughly outclassed in either PvE or Freemode, which is where these five pieces of equipment come in handy.
Top 5 essential gadgets and gear players must own in GTA Online
#5 - Scuba suit/Rebreather
It really cannot be stressed enough how frustrating it can be to find oneself in need of going underwater but not having the right equipment at hand. Players can cop themselves a Rebreather from Ammu-Nation that lets them increase their lung capacity underwater.
The suit itself will only appear when the player is in open water or deep swimming pools. Having this around is extremely useful as there are plenty of hidden caches and treasure chests underwater in both Los Santos and Cayo Perico.
#4 - Flare gun
A flare gun might not be what one is looking for when searching for something with a lot of punch. However, this little piece of equipment can save the player's hide multiple times in GTA Online.
For one, it can save the player from certain oblivion in Freemode, as there are plenty of homing missiles being fired about. Homing missiles can lock-on to a target and destroy them with ease.
Many jets and helicopters use flares when trying to counter a homing missile. Yet, what happens when the player is outside on their bike or on foot in GTA Online is that they are not equipped to deal out countermeasures. That is exactly where the flare gun comes into use.
Players can fire off a flare gun and divert the homing missile away from themselves after they hear the sound of the lock-on.
#3 - Helmet/lens
Needless to say, a helmet will protect the dome at all costs. But more than that, it also houses an extremely cool piece of equipment: lenses.
These are essentially Night Vision and Thermal Vision Goggles that allow players to see through walls and spot enemies. They provide players with ungodly amounts of power over their enemies in GTA Online.
Being able to see through walls allows players to have a massive advantage over others, and all within the rules of the game.
#2 - Heavy Combat Outfit
The effects of this armor won't kick in unless the player is in a heist, meaning this isn't all that useful during Freemode. However, it can save the player a lot of money and health by enabling Player Outfits when starting a heist in GTA Online.
The speed of movement takes a substantial hit when wearing this outfit, but it will save the player countless times. It will allow the player to take a lot of damage without succumbing to it and will often be the difference-maker between life and death during heists in GTA Online.
#1 - Bull Shark Testosterone
Bull Shark Testerone might not sound like it will come in quite as handy as it does in GTA Online. Players can call Brucie and have this item delivered for a small fee and gain a temporary boost in both health and damage.
While using this item, players can absorb a lot of damage while also being able to deal out tons more. This is extremely useful when doing VIP/CEO work as it simply allows the player to play more aggressively.