For players that have too much money to spend in GTA Online, these five expensive items may be great to purchase to show off one's wealth.
Unsurprisingly, the vast majority of these items will be planes. Nonetheless, these vehicles are often not the best choice for a player looking to efficiently do the various tasks and activities they'd normally do in GTA Online.
Expensive items are often seen as useless by most GTA Online players, but some players have so much money that they wish to spend a fraction of it on GTA Online's most expensive items. It's irrelevant if they acquired it through cheating or grinding, as these expensive items still exist for them to consider.
Five most expensive items players can buy in GTA Online
#5 - Tula

"Remember the kid who always had a multi-tool with him? Remember how popular he was, and how often he got laid? Well, if he had survived high school, there's only one set of keys he would have in his fanny pack: the Tula is a quad-prop monster with VTOL and water-landing capabilities, space for turrets and a bomb bay, and the capacity for JATO upgrades. Be Prepared. Please note: This aircraft is excluded from Pegasus Lifestyle Management and must be stored in a personal hangar."
For only $5,173,700 ($3,890,000 at trade price), this fine plane is more useful than its ugly appearance would suggest. It can land on water, fly vertically like a helicopter, and still do the regular tasks a normal plane is capable of. It doesn't excel in any particular category within GTA Online, but its diversity makes it appealing for some GTA Online players.
#4 - Ruiner 2000

"It's better looking than you. It can fire machine guns and rocket launchers more accurately than you. It can jump higher than you and it's always got a parachute. Your mother prefers its company to yours. You know what they say: if you can't beat it, own it, and pray people don't notice that all your belongings are cooler than you are. Note, the production model of this vehicle has a reduced missile capacity."
The Ruiner 2000 is the only expensive vehicle that isn't a plane on this entire list. GTA Online has plenty of great cars at a fraction of its price, so players often wonder what makes this expensive vehicle worth $5,745,600 ($4,320,000 at trade price). It does have some of the most powerful rockets for a weaponized vehicle, but it should be noted that it can only store up to eight rockets in GTA Online for gameplay balance.
#3 - RM-10 Bombushka

"When it comes to dropping enough ordnance to give the peaceniks something to blubber about, there really is no need to change a winning formula. The Bombushka comes straight out of a time when the good guys were the good guys, the bad guys were the bad guys, "collateral damage" was just "damage", and wars could be won from the air. Saddle up, comrade. Please note: This aircraft is excluded from Pegasus Lifestyle Management and must be stored in a personal hangar."
Despite its large size, the RM-10 Bombushka is pretty weak in combat, as it can be destroyed by a single direct explosion. It is still a weaponized vehicle, so it's not necessarily a complete waste of one's money despite its expensive cost. Be aware that it's slow and sluggish, so it shouldn't be used in serious situations. For those still interested in it, this expensive plane only costs $5,918,500 ($4,450,000 at trade price) in GTA Online.
#2 - P-996 LAZER

"Who doesn't remember their first time? It seems just like yesterday: stealing a delicate hypercar, hitting the freeway going north, taking the dirt ramp with enough speed to somersault 200ft over the rear fence of Fort Zancudo, dodging the small arms fire, stealing a P-996, getting a 120mm shell inserted firmly up your intake, and enjoying your ringside seat at the fireworks. But now you're older and wiser, you're ready for a tactical fighter to call your own. Time to come of age."
In terms of sheer stats, the P-996 LAZER is one of the best vehicles in the game. It's capable of going up to 204.18 mph (328.60 km/h), which is blindingly fast by GTA Online standards. As it is a fighter jet, it's one of the best options for players as far as planes are concerned. $6,500,000 is an expensive investment in GTA Online, but it's a little more than half of the price of the next entry, which is even more ludriciously expensive than this one.
#1 - Luxor Deluxe

"Now that the private jet market is open to every middle-class American willing to harvest their children's organs for cash, you need a new way to stand out. Forget standard light-weight, high-malleability, flame retardant aeronautical construction materials, yours are solid gold! It's time to tell the world exactly who you are. And you're speaking so loud, you don't even care if you'll melt and fall out of the sky during the next solar storm."
$10,000,000 is expensive, but it's the best investment to show off to the world how much money a player has in GTA Online. It's a terrible vehicle for how expensive it is, but it's not meant to be flown around competitively. Instead, it's a statement to other players. It's a pure gold jet, so it's unquestionably stylish in a tacky way, even by GTA Online standards.