The GTA San Andreas map features an incredibly detailed virtual world. For many Grand Theft Auto fans, this game and its map are the best ever in the series. Despite being limited by the technology of its time, the title was able to surpass expectations in many areas, especially its map, which features three major cities and multiple small towns that come together to form the state of San Andreas.
This Rockstar Games title has been out for nearly two decades, but there are still some things about it that fans might not be aware of. So, in this article, we will take a look at five fascinating facts about the GTA San Andreas map that you might not know about.
San Andreas Fault and other fascinating facts about the GTA San Andreas map that you might not know about
1) Second biggest map in the series

As mentioned earlier, the GTA San Andreas map features three major cities: Los Santos, San Fierro, and Las Venturas. They are based on the following popular cities in the United States - Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Las Vegas, respectively. The game world also has a countryside and a sprawling desert.
Notably, the GTA San Andreas map is the biggest among all titles in Grand Theft Auto's 3D Universe. It is also the second biggest in the entire series, bested only by GTA 5's map, which features a fresh rendition of Los Santos.
2) San Fierro was hit by a devastating earthquake
In addition to the size and minute details, it is also the lore that makes Grand Theft Auto maps special. A great example is how some areas of the GTA San Andreas map appear to have been affected by a significant earthquake. Much of this can be seen in the San Fierro district named Doherty.
The game manual also mentions that this area was hit by an earthquake in 1988, which destroyed several properties and blocks. In fact, one of these properties seems to be located right behind CJ's garage in the city.
3) San Andreas Fault

Within the depths of the San Fierro Bay is a tectonic fault known as the San Andreas Fault. It runs along the sea bed until a sandstone wall and can be explored in free-roam. However, it is best that you improve CJ's lung capacity before setting out on this expedition.
Interestingly, the San Andreas Fault in the GTA San Andreas map is likely based on a similar tectonic fault, located in the state of California in the United States of America.
4) Beta map
Video games go through a lot of changes during development, and that includes the map design. Interestingly, players can see the changes between GTA San Andreas' final map and its beta version in the game itself.
The beta version of the GTA San Andreas map can be found at two locations. One can be found inside Mike Toreno's Ranch in Tierra Robada and the other is in Bone County's Lil' Probe Inn bar.
5) Fourth wall-breaking Easter egg
The GTA San Andreas map is full of intriguing Easter eggs. However, possibly the most memorable of all is the one found at the top of one of Gant Bridge's towers. Rockstar Games breaks the fourth wall with this Easter egg, addressing players on the hunt for it.
A similar message from the developer can also be found GTA 3's map of Liberty City, tucked in a corner in an area that cannot be accessed easily.