The GTA series has no shortage of forgettable side characters that most players don't care about.
Of course, it's worth noting that there is a difference between side characters and those who only show up once. The latter aren't meant to be memorable, as they're strictly there for a single purpose before vanishing altogether. Hence, the vast majority of them are bound to be forgettable, especially if they share a model with the average pedestrian.
However, it's the forgettable side characters that are interesting to talk about. They can appear several times throughout the course of the game but are forgettable to the point that most players won't bother remembering them, let alone talk about them.
Just to spice things up, several GTA games will be discussed here, and it won't just target GTA Advance or the 2D universe games, as that would be too easy.
Five of the GTA series' most forgettable characters
5) Stretch (GTA 5)

Stretch is supposed to be Franklin's main antagonist, but he ultimately comes across as an unspectacular character that seems underdeveloped. GTA 5 is a far bigger game than previous GTA games, which comes as a detriment when it comes to developing characters like Stretch.
Most of his "appearances" come in the form of a phone call. The phone calls aren't particularly memorable, especially when it's compared to the other interesting characters in GTA 5.
4) Mickey Hamfists (GTA 3 and Liberty City Stories)

In GTA 3, Mickey Hamfists is nothing more than just a forgettable bodyguard for Luigi Goterelli. He appears in four missions in this game but doesn't do anything memorable other than handing a letter over to Claude.
He's more memorable in Liberty City Stories, as he kills Joseph Daniel O'Toole. Still, he feels like a standard mission provider in this game, and he only appears in two of them. Other than killing O'Toole, he shows up as a minor character when Toni becomes a made man.
3) Dwaine and Jethro (GTA Vice City & San Andreas)

Technically speaking, they're two separate characters. However, they're always seen by the other's side. Not to mention, there isn't anything particularly special about them.
In GTA Vice City, they only show up once when Tommy buys the boatyard. They talk about boats and marijuana for a bit before vanishing from the rest of the game.
They're far more prominent in GTA San Andreas, but they're essentially just people who work in the Doherty Garage. Jethro is slightly less forgettable, as he tells CJ that he can go to Driving School. Other than that, they're largely background characters after they're recruited.
2) Mike (GTA Vice City)

For someone who shows up in four missions, Mike is an utterly forgettable character. He even accompanies Tommy Vercetti in the mission, Bar Brawl, but is nothing more than just another hired gun.
He once worked for Diaz, before jumping ship and joining the Vercetti Gang. He barely speaks in GTA Vice City, and it's nothing more than a quote about something going wrong and how the cops were tipped about it.
1) Massimo Torini (GTA Liberty City Stories)

A main antagonist who never personally speaks to the main protagonist makes it hard for players to be invested in him. It doesn't help that Massimo Torini is only seen in two missions in the entire story, and is absent from the beginning of the game.
That's partially why GTA Liberty City Stories feels lackluster from a storytelling perspective. He's unquestionably the most forgettable main antagonist in the series, and he makes the smallest impact on both the player and the protagonist.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.