Some vehicles are so over-the-top that they are among the most fun vehicles in the entire GTA series.
The GTA series is no stranger to over-the-top vehicles. Likewise, fun vehicles are often the norm for any GTA title, so combining the two for a short article is easier than one would think. In this context, "over-the-top" refers to bizarre vehicles that wouldn't be found in the real world (yet) or are just plain strange in relation to other vehicles in the GTA series.
Unsurprisingly, GTA Online tends to have the most over-the-top vehicles, as recent updates have introduced some outright bizarre vehicles (at least compared to the GTA of yesteryear). Fortunately, most of these vehicles are fun to ride, although players around the driver might not find it as fun.
Five of the most fun over-the-top vehicles in the GTA series
#5 - Zebra Cab (GTA Vice City)

At first glance, the Zebra Cab is essentially a taxi cab with a ridiculously over-the-top zebra paint job. While that is partially the reason for the Zebra Cab's appearance on this list, it's not the sole reason. To complete the Taxi Driver missions, players are able to unlock the ability to jump with their taxi cabs. As the Zebra Cab is the most noteworthy vehicle in the category, it'll represent the other jumping taxis in that game.
Back in the older GTA titles, it was usually the special taxi variants that were deemed the over-the-top vehicles of their games. Other than the fact that most vehicles were simplistic in their designs and functionality, taxis like the Zebra Cab and Borgnine stood out for their bizarre paint jobs.
#4 - The Invade and Persuade Tank (GTA Online)

Most players remember their first rampage with a Rhino Tank in the older GTA titles. However, the Rhino isn't as good as it once was in GTA Online. Fortunately, The Invade and Persuade Tank is an RC tank, meaning that it has some of the benefits that the Rhino has, but with less severe drawbacks.
First, it's significantly smaller than the regular Rhino Tank. This not only means that it gets hit by fewer explosions and bullets, but it also doesn't get stuck as easily. However, the best aspect of RC vehicles is how they can act like off-radar vehicles. Whether it's for guerilla warfare or as a clandestine taxi ride, the Invade and Persuade Tank is a good example of how an over-the-top vehicle can be so fun.
#3 - Toreador (GTA Online)

GTA Online is no stranger to absurd and over-the-top vehicles, and the Toreador is no exception. While it looks like a fairly standard Sports Classic vehicle at first glance, its functionality drives it over the edge. A car with the ability to submerge itself underwater like a submarine is an interesting design choice, especially since boats are already obsolete in GTA Online.
However, what makes the Toreador fun is that it's another weaponized vehicle capable of flying through the air (albeit, briefly) thanks to its booster. The booster works underwater, making the Toreador the best vehicle for traveling underwater. It's over-the-top, but it's over-the-top in a fun way.
#2 - Oppressor Mk II (GTA Online)

Although the Oppressor Mk II is a thing of nightmares for some GTA Online fans, it is objectively an over-the-top vehicle. It doesn't behave like any motorcycle in the real world, but that doesn't mean that it's not fun. In GTA Online, the Oppressor Mk II is capable of flying. The power of flight isn't clunky in the slightest; rather, players can have better air mobility than practically every plane in the game.
It isn't just the power of flight that makes this over-the-top vehicle so much fun. It's a weaponized vehicle capable of destroying most other vehicles in the game without breaking a sweat. Its explosives are powerful, and having the ability to hone in on an enemy is overpowered at times. The Oppressor Mk II might not be fun for its victims, but it's a blast for whoever is riding it.
#1 - Jetpack (GTA San Andreas)

The Jetpack in GTA San Andreas is one of the most iconic and cool vehicles in the entire series. Its equivalent in GTA Online is awesome, but Jetpack in GTA San Andreas was the first of its kind. Past GTA titles had some weird-looking vehicles, but the Jetpack was the most noteworthy one that stood out in a "WTF" kind of way. Not only was obtaining the Jetpack from Area 69 one of the most defining moments in GTA San Andreas, but it was also arguably one of the coolest moments in the series.
The concept of a Jetpack is over-the-top in more ways than one, but its ability to fly anywhere with great mobility made it an instant fan-favorite. It isn't awesome yet impractical; it's legitimately one of the best vehicles in the game. Technically, it's an equippable vehicle as opposed to one the player manually enters, but its behavior is more similar to vehicles than that of weaponry.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.