Rockstar Games usually improves upon several gameplay mechanics with every GTA installment. So, it was quite surprising to see some neat ones from GTA 4 not being carried forward to its sequel in 2013. Many of them haven't even been added to the latter's multiplayer with any DLC in the last decade. While their absence hasn't had a significant impact, their inclusion could've made Grand Theft Auto 5 and GTA Online even better.
Many in the fanbase hope for the return of such features and mechanics in Grand Theft Auto 6, but that remains to be seen. Until then, let's take a look at five gameplay mechanics in Grand Theft Auto 4 that have never been seen in GTA again.
Note - The entries are arranged in no particular order.
Cage fighting and 4 other gameplay mechanics in GTA 4 that have never been seen again
1) Bowling

Bowling is one of the many activities in Grand Theft Auto 4. Players may often get requested to go bowling by the protagonist Niko Bellic's cousin, Roman. While these constant requests can be annoying and have become a meme in the Grand Theft Auto community, the activity itself is far from so.
The controls for bowling are straightforward and can be learned quickly, and it offers players a fun way to kill time when not engaging in GTA 4 story missions. They can go bowling alone, with in-game friends, or even when on a date. Unfortunately, the mechanic has not yet been reprised in the sequels.
2) Dating

Players can go on dates in GTA 4 with in-game girlfriends, some of whom are introduced during the game's story mode, and others via dating websites. During the date, players can engage in various activities, like bowling as already mentioned, or visiting a restaurant.
Though pretty basic and lacking in action, dating helped add more character and depth to the protagonist. It not being available for Michael in GTA 5 is understandable, given that he was already married, but it should've been available for the other two protagonists.
3) Cage fighting
The melee combat in Grand Theft Auto 4 is pretty fun as players can perform a variety of moves. The NPCs don't go down easily either, which adds to the challenge.
This was put to best use in cage fights, that were introduced in the title's story mode expansion - The Ballad of Gay Tony. Not only did this mechanic serve as a thrilling optional activity, but also helped in making some money. Unfortunately, it has since not been included in the GTA series.
4) Grabbing onto ledges
Among the most useful things in GTA 4 is the ability to jump and grab onto ledges. Players can even strafe left or right when hanging on to a ledge that can't be climbed. Simply put, it added a lot of dynamism to the movement mechanics.
Sadly, it hasn't been seen in the Grand Theft Auto series since. Moreover, the first Grand Theft Auto 6 trailer didn't confirm whether this GTA 4 gameplay mechanic will return in the upcoming title.
5) Picking up and throwing random objects
Bricks, cans, and cups are some objects that players can find lying around in Grand Theft Auto 4's Liberty City. Interestingly, they can be picked up and thrown in any direction. Throwing these random objects at NPCs is among the most hilarious things one can do in Grand Theft Auto 4.
Unfortunately, this is another area where Grand Theft Auto 5 suffered a downgrade. Moreover, it isn't known if this fun gameplay mechanic will return in Grand Theft Auto 6, as it was neither hinted at in the trailer nor the GTA 6 leaks.