A player doesn't need to spend a lot of money in GTA Online to have a competent vehicle.
There are several great vehicles for beginners that cost less than $100,000 in GTA Online. While these vehicles won't compare to some of the most expensive options in GTA Online in terms of performance, they're still excellent vehicles that can carry low-level players. After all, not everybody is good at grinding (or buying Shark Cards), so some players have to make do with what they got.
The great thing about these vehicles is that they're so cheap that they won't set a player back as much as some more expensive options.
Five great vehicles for beginners in GTA Online under $100K
#5 - Dominator

The Dominator is the fastest car a player can purchase under $100K (according to the Broughy method), so it's inevitably a good choice for players who wish to go from one point to another quickly. It's one of the more aesthetically pleasing muscle cars as well, so it will look good in a player's garage once they upgrade to better vehicles.
The Dominator only costs $35,000, but players could get it at its trade price of $26,250 if they do some Arena War.
#4 - Bati 801 & Bati 801RR

Both Bati 801 variants perform the exact same and even cost the same amount ($15,000), so choosing either one is merely a matter of preference. Its insanely low price makes it desirable for players who need a fast vehicle but don't have access to the more expensive options in GTA Online.
Like other motorcycles, the Bati 801 is terrible defensively. However, its excellent speed (up to 135 mph [217 km/h]) makes it a useful purchase for players who just need to zip past missions and heists. It works wonderfully in most terrains, so it's more versatile than given credit for.
Of course, the main appeal of the Bati 801 is its low price. $15,000 is practically nothing, and it's unlikely that players will feel a sting in their bank accounts for purchasing it.
#3 - Ruiner

There was once a time when the Ruiner could only be obtained by stealing it. Thankfully, players can now purchase the vehicle at an amazing price of $10,000 from Southern S.A. Autos. As it is the cheapest vehicle on this list (and one of the cheapest in all of GTA Online), it's not like a player can really regret purchasing it.
It's surprisingly fast at 118.75 mph (191.11 km/h), and its handling and acceleration are also above average. There won't be many situations where the Ruiner is a bad choice for beginners in GTA Online because of this.
#2 - Fusilade

In terms of sheer stats, the Fusilade is the best car in GTA Online for under $100K. At only $36,000, the Fusilade's performance is quite phenomenal for a beginner vehicle. It isn't as fast as the Bati 801, (117.75 mph vs 135 mph), but it's a sports car. Hence, players won't have to feel as if they're going to get bonked out of their ride for crashing into an enemy.
It's also more viable defensively, as the Fusilade can shield the player from more bullets than the Bati 801 can. Although it's more than double the Bati 801's price, $36,000 is still nothing in GTA Online; players can earn the difference between the two vehicles effortlessly.
#1 - Elegy RH8

The Elegy RH8 is better than the Fusilade in every stat sans Braking. Hence, it would appear as though the former vehicle is better in terms of sheer stats. However, the Elegy RH8's extra speed, acceleration, and handling are just a little bit better than the Fusilade's.
The main drawback to the Elegy RH8 is that it costs $95,000. However, members of the Rockstar Social Club can get the vehicle for free, making it a terrific option for beginners in need of any vehicle in GTA Online. If a player had to purchase it for $95,000, it would be considered good, but it's the fact that players can get it for free that makes it great.
Note: This article reflects the writer’s personal views.