The GTA 3 Definitive Edition has made some substantial improvements over the original game, but it still keeps some of its flaws.
Trying to be faithful and keeping the GTA Trilogy largely identical to the original games in terms of gameplay is a double-edged sword. Having said that, players familiar with those games will love them for their nostalgic value.
GTA 3 is the oldest game out of the original trilogy, meaning that it lacks some of the quality-of-life features that the later games have. Considering the three games are bought together, its flaws feel exacerbated when someone plays Vice City or especially San Andreas.
Five flaws from GTA 3 that the Definitive Edition kept
5) Claude can't swim
Only San Andreas has swimming as a feature in the GTA Trilogy. In GTA 3, Claude will lose his health rapidly if he enters a deep body of water before eventually becoming Wasted. There aren't many activities near water in this game, but it's still an inconvenience that some players are disappointed to see in the Definitive Edition.
Instant drowning isn't a fun feature, so it's ultimately an example of how the GTA 3 Definitive Edition was a little too faithful to the source material.
4) Mafia shotguns in Portland

Dangerous gangs that can wipe the floor with the player are seldom seen in the GTA series. The concept is interesting, but the execution is mixed. Some players love dangerous NPCs, while others find dealing with them to be cumbersome.
For example, the Leone Family turns on Claude early on in GTA 3's story. When Salvatore dies, the Leone Family NPCs will become hostile toward him. One of these NPCs carries a pump-action shotgun, which will quickly destroy Claude's vehicle.
Thus, some of the game's vehicle missions become far harder than usual. The best way to do vehicle missions in Portland is to do them as soon as possible (before the gangs turn on Claude).
3) Limited post-game activities

Most GTA titles have a limited post-game. Besides the main storyline in GTA 3, Claude has a few side missions, including the aforementioned vehicle missions. There isn't much to do afterward but collect the remaining collectibles and cause chaos.
GTA 3 Definitive Edition didn't change much on this front. Players get a new cheat code that makes a character's head bigger, but that doesn't really count as post-game content.
2) Can't bail out of moving vehicles

One of the strangest things not to fix in GTA 3 Definitive Edition was the inability to bail out of moving vehicles. Adding in other quality-of-life features such as GPS and Weapon Wheels, but not the ability to bail out, is a strange design choice.
All it does is give players fewer options when it comes to playing the game. If their vehicle is about to turn over or blow up, one must try to stop the car manually. Afterward, they can leave.
1) Vehicle durability
GTA 3's terrible vehicle durability intensifies the inability to bail out of moving vehicles. It even affects previous flaws, as a Leone member holding a shotgun is even more dangerous as they can blow up the car in a few seconds (as seen in the above YouTube video).
As several other problems are tied to this singular flaw, it's easy to see why some GTA 3 Definitive Edition players have been complaining about it. On the bright side, it makes bulletproof vehicles even more overpowered.
GTA 3 Definitive Edition's higher FPS makes this low vehicle durability even more problematic than before. Players now have less time to react to vehicles that are about to blow up.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.