Rockstar Games patch GTA Online glitches and bugs via background updates at regular intervals. However, many still get overlooked and are available for players to exploit. While some can be fun to just mess around with friends, griefers can use them to gain an unfair advantage over others and annoy those in Public sessions, causing chaos and ruining the fun for everyone.
This article lists five GTA Online glitches that still plague the game in 2024. Note that these glitches worked as of writing but could get patched by Rockstar Games at any time in the future.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
RPG quick spam and 4 other GTA Online glitches that still plague the game in 2024
1) Invisible arms

Outfits are an integral part of GTA Online as they differentiate your character from those of other players. However, a glitch caused by some specific clothing items can result in your character's arms becoming invisible.
This glitch gets triggered upon equipping The Pickup outfit (located in the Diamond Casino Heist Outfits category's Refuse Collector's section) and then selecting the No Top option in the Overcoat Blazers category.
This GTA Online glitch has been present in the game for some time and remains unpatched to this day. Although it doesn't give players an edge over others, it can be quite annoying for those who want to put together an attire using those specific items.
2) Oppressor MK II speed boost
If there's one vehicle that is synonymous with GTA Online griefers, it is the Oppressor MK II. It is a weaponized flying motorcycle that can shoot Homing Missiles. Rockstar Games has nerfed it in the past, but it is still pretty powerful and a menace in the wrong hands.
Notably, the vehicle is quite fast, having a top speed of 127.75 mph (205.59 km/h). However, flying it in a nearly vertical position sometimes gives it a significant boost in speed, providing exploiters an unwarranted advantage in missions and PvP.
3) RPG quick spam glitch
The RPG is one of the most powerful GTA Online weapons as it can easily destroy most vehicles (and players/NPCs) in the game. One downside to it is its slow reload animation.
However, the quick spam glitch lets one skip this animation and fire rockets from the RPG at a rapid rate. This is done by switching from this weapon to Sticky Bombs and back really quickly in the weapon wheel. It goes without saying that this is one of those GTA Online glitches that give exploiters a significant upper hand in PvP.
4) RC Bandito Sticky Bomb
Next on the list of GTA Online glitches that still plague the game is one that let's you throw Sticky Bombs while using the RC Bandito. This small remote-controlled vehicle can easily go unnoticed by other players. Therefore, griefers can use it to sneak up on them and attack with Sticky Bombs.
It should be noted that this glitch seemingly works only on the PlayStation 4 and 5, as the explosive can be equipped using their controller's touch pad when employing the RC Bandito.
5) Wall breaches

There are quite a few in-game buildings that are meant to be inaccessible but can be entered using GTA Online glitches. This is because certain walls are not entirely solid and let players breach through them at really tight angles. While it may seem harmless, griefers can hide in such places and easily attack others remaining in complete protection.
Wall breaching glitches can also be quite irritating for GTA Online players that get stuck in these areas inadvertently.