GTA Online is a game where players are encouraged to build an empire and make a lot of money. Although making money in GTA Online can sometimes be frustrating, it is an experience that motivates many players to play the game.
Players enjoy doing missions in the game in order to make money and Rockstar Games has provided players with many different ways of getting rich.
Along with multiple businesses, players can earn money by robbing convenience stores around the game and by playing the many different game modes to win some GTA$.
Players have come across exploits and glitches that break the game and help players earn a lot of money. These glitches are often posted online, and the rest of the community gets into spamming them to get rich.
The players that are using such glitches sometimes do get punished by Rockstar with bans and character refreshes. But some get away with using these money glitches.
5 GTA Online money glitches that broke the game
5) Casino Heist Glitch
This glitch lets players repeat the Casino heist over and over. Redoing this heist lets players earn a lot of money and RP in the game. Players can take home the big bag by doing this heist over and over as it pays really well. The Glitch was reported by Redditor u/Kush_Diablo and players can learn how to use this glitch by checking this page.
4) 500k$ Reward Glitch
Back in April 2020, Rockstar awarded its players 500k$ in GTA Online. Players could glitch the game to reap the rewards over and over by shutting the game while it loaded. A lot of players used this glitch to make millions of game money with ease. The glitch was posted by Reddit user u/NickM5526 and the details of the glitch can be viewed here.
3) Simple Casino Glitch
This glitch involves players betting maximum money on a bet and shutting the game if they lose. If the player wins in the bet, they can change their clothes in the clothing store at the casino and force save the game. Quitting the game after losing money doesn't give the game enough time to register the outcome and the game goes back to the state it was before the bet was made.
2) 100k Time Trial Glitch
Time Trials can only be done once in GTA Online to gain the full prize of completing the trials. Once players win the money, they start to only get a fraction of the prize from then on. Players can glitch the game to make sure the game always registers that they only did the time trial once. For more details, players can learn how to do this glitch on this page.
1) Garage Money Glitch
This glitch lets players sell a garage over and over to be able to make 2 million dollars in one go in GTA Online. This glitch was discovered by YouTuber TyGotClout. It's one of the easiest glitches to perform, and players get the most money using this glitch in GTA Online.