Having the right weapons makes a huge difference in GTA Online. The game's world is full of players trying to take down others, not just during missions or heists, but also during free-roam. Having the right loadout before starting an activity makes it vital to ensure that players have the right weapon in every situation.
Each scenario demands a different weapon to be used to take down enemies as quickly as possible. While some can be cumbersome to carry around, they can be very effective during one-on-one encounters or taking down rivals. Since players have the ability to carry more than one weapon from each class, there's a variety of selections that they can carry at the same time.
This article will list five weapons that gamers must definitely have in their loadouts. The list isn't ranked in any particular order, but having these in addition to other weaponry in the loadout can always give players the upper hand.
Note: This article contains the writer's opinion.
5 great weapons in GTA Online that should be present in every loadout
1) Sticky Bombs

Sticky Bombs have two M112 C-4 explosive sticks with a remote controller attached to them. It has a small red light that gamers can use to mark the explosive when placed. They can be quite useful when trying to blow up vehicles on the chase, as they can be thrown at them and blown up remotely.
However, there's a downside to Sticky Bombs as they can be noisy. This can lead to players being easily detected and found by enemies before they can get a chance to have a go at them. On the upside, it can still give players enough time to blow them up at the right time if planted well.
2) AP Pistol

The AP Pistol is accurate, has low recoil, and has an 18-round magazine, extendable for up to 36 rounds. This is a must-have weapon as it has a high accuracy and high rate of fire, which, along with a large magazine, makes it one of the best guns to have in most missions. It can also be equipped with a suppressor and a flashlight attachment.
The pistol has armor-piercing rounds that can add to the advantage, even during chases as the pistol can damage and take down vehicles on the run.
3) Rocket Launcher

As the name suggests, this is an all-powerful, shoulder-mounted weapon that fires rockets and can be used to take down vehicles, tanks, and helicopters effectively. The design is based on the RPG-7 and gets unlocked for players once they reach Rank 100. Players can buy it from Ammu-Nation.
Its downsides include less accuracy while firing and an increased time taked to reload it. However, the rockets can still damage targets quite a lot if shot anywhere close to them.
4) Minigun

The Minigun is a six-barrel machine gun that can be devastating to enemies. It has a very high rate of fire, and can get to a maximum of 6000 rounds per minute. Maximum ammunition can go up to 9,999 rounds and all of this combines to take down vehicles in a few seconds.
The Minigun has a very similar alternate weapon named the Widowmaker, although it's quite an expensive option comparatively. The weapon's downside is that it's not a good option when firing at close range and on foot, as players cannot run while holding a huge gun in their hand.
5) Advanced Rifle

The Advanced Rifle has one of the highest damage levels in its class, at 34 damage per shot, and has a fire rate of 500 rounds per minute.
Its compact nature makes it competitive and a well-balanced weapon in medium and close range encounters, all thanks to its excellent accuracy. It can be upgraded to a Mk II version to make it even more powerful.