GTA fans worldwide have been impressed by the improvements made to the vehicles and driving controls in the newly remastered trilogy. The wait to drive all of these cars again was well worth it.
Many remember which cars they would preferably avoid in the original trilogy. Surprisingly, even some of the lesser-used cars have had some impressive tune-ups for the GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition.
This article will look at five cars that drive better in the remastered Definitive Edition of the games.
Cars that players love in the newly remastered GTA Trilogy
The cars in GTA Trilogy: Definitive Edition have improved since the original games, but some drive significantly better in the remastered version.
1) Banshee (GTA 3)
The Banshee is the first real sports car GTA 3 players remember stealing from the showroom in Liberty City. It was always a favorite for its slick look and speed. One problem, however, was that if players were not careful at high speeds, they could lose control and wreck their Banshee easily.
The improved driving controls in GTA 3: Definitive Edition makes driving this classic GTA car much better this time around.
2) Cartel Cruiser (GTA 3)
Some GTA players are just such huge fans of the Cartel Cruiser in GTA 3. Perhaps it is because it was one of the original bad-boy gangster vehicles in the game. Of all the gangster vehicles in Liberty City, the Cartel Cruiser is the largest and most powerful.
It also has good top speed and great handling in the GTA 3 Definitive Edition, making it another player favorite.
3) BF Injection (GTA Vice City)
The BF Injection was such a cool car to find on Ocean Beach in GTA Vice City. However, it suffered from erratic handling at times. Even for beach chases, it wasn't always the best.
Players of GTA Vice City: Definitive Edition have found that this handling issue has been addressed in the remastered game.
4) Elegy (GTA San Andreas)
The Elegy in GTA San Andreas is a low-key sportscar. This 2-door vehicle often goes unnoticed by the players. It is only since the Elegy brand was made more popular by GTA 5 and GTA Online that this name stood out more to GTA fans. In GTA Online, players can claim a free Elegy RH8 in-game.
In GTA San Andreas Definitive Edition, the players have found the Elegy much better to drive than in the original game. This is due to its improved speed and handling.
5) Savanna (GTA San Andreas)
The Savanna was always a very cool car to drive in GTA San Andreas. The main problem was the car flipping over while going too fast and having trouble with the handling and hydraulics.
In GTA San Andreas: Definitive Edition, Cesar's signature lowrider car handles much better and is generally much nicer to drive in the remastered game.