The GTA Trilogy will bring forth several new gameplay changes that players should remember before its release date.
11 November 2021, is the game's digital release date. By comparison, Its physical release date is 7 December 2021, and its mobile release date is the first half of 2022. There isn't much time until the first date approaches.
Hence, some players might wish to know what's the difference between the original three games and the new GTA Trilogy. There are some notable gameplay changes besides graphical updates and some minor content upgrades (like Phil Cassidy's shirt).
Five GTA Trilogy gameplay changes that fans should be aware about before its release date
5) Minimaps with the ability to set waypoints as a destination

Navigation features in the original games were either non-existent or heavily limited. For example, GTA 3 had no in-game map. Likewise, GTA San Andreas allowed players to set a waypoint but wasn't as robust as modern GPS features.
The description on the official GTA Trilogy website is vague, but it does state "enhanced navigation." If so, then one can assume that the new games will have a better minimap than the titles of yesteryear.
4) Radio wheel

Radio stations have played a minor yet popular role in the GTA series. One of the best changes to the system in recent games was utilizing a Radio wheel. It allows players to access all radio stations more quickly than before.
It is similar to the Weapon wheel. Instead of manually scrolling through every radio station, the player can pull up a Radio wheel with everything. From there, the GTA Trilogy player could just pick a station.
3) Weapon wheel

A Weapon wheel is a more significant change compared to the Radio wheel. Whereas the latter is for accessing one's favorite radio station, the former is done to help players conveniently get the right weapon.
Back then, gamers had to manually scroll through a set order to find the right weapon. It wasn't difficult per se, but it wasn't intuitive for first-time gamers. Plus, it makes the GTA Trilogy feel more familiar to players who recently played through GTA 5.
2) GTA 5-style controls

Although Rockstar Games hasn't specified the exact control scheme for the GTA Trilogy, they did state it will have GTA 5-style controls. Thus, modern gamers should feel at home with it and not worry about it being too antiquated.
This change should also make it feel noticeably different for the old-school veterans that grew up with the original games.
1) Can instantly restart a failed mission

One of the most frustrating aspects of the original three games is failing a mission and having to go all the way back to the mission marker. If the mission occurs nowhere near the starting point, then it's a long trek back for the player.
Taxi Rides mitigate this problem in GTA Vice City, but it still takes time to enter it, wait for a loading screen, and walk back to the mission marker. Fortunately, the GTA Trilogy will allow players to restart any failed mission instantly.
Thus, players can spend more time attempting them in the GTA Trilogy rather than wasting time trying to get another opportunity like in the past.