Some characters in GTA Vice City should've had more screentime dedicated to them.
Sometimes, characters need screentime to showcase their personality and at other times, they need it to further develop important storyline moments. For one reason or another, these five GTA Vice City characters could've used a little extra oomph.
Some of the more obscure yet important characters will be put on this list, as will some mysterious and lesser-developed characters. As it stands now, GTA Vice City already has an iconic cast full of memorable characters, but it could always be improved upon.
Five GTA Vice City characters that should've been more prominent
5) Pastor Richards

An over-the-top corrupt televangelist sounds like an exciting character, but Pastor Richards' role is largely limited in GTA Vice City. He has official art, appears in Cortez's party with a unique model, and appears in the radio station VCPR. Despite this, he's an incredibly minor character in the grand scheme of things.
One would assume he would've been more important before having his role be reduced to its current state, which would make his unique character seem like a missed opportunity in GTA Vice City. The other partygoers were far more important by comparison, which only made Pastor Richards stand out even more.
Plus, the idea of building a giant statue of one's self to use it as fortification is amusing, especially since he uses those funds for another mansion instead. He's blatantly corrupt, but so are a lot of other GTA characters, so he would have fit in naturally if he was given more screentime.
4) Gonzalez

Gonzalez is one of Diaz's goons, but he only shows up twice in all of GTA Vice City. This is remedied by his more prominent appearance in GTA Vice City Stories, but it doesn't make his lack of importance any less noticeable in GTA Vice City.
This would be more of an example of a character who needed more screentime simply because they're forgettable otherwise. His treachery is explored in the prequel, but it would have been nice to see it be elaborated on in GTA Vice City to more fully flesh out his character.
As it stands now, Gonzalez isn't much different than the usual nameless thugs players kill in the GTA games.
3) Auntie Poulet

The Haitians are painted in the best of light in GTA Vice City. In GTA Vice City, they're often subjugated to being killed by the Cubans or Tommy. Their main leader, Auntie Poulet, is an interesting character and is the sole named character that represents the Haitians.
She has some mind-altering concoctions, but that's never elaborated on in GTA Vice City. If it's related to the power of Voodoo, it would've been very interesting to see that side explored.
There is an aura of mystery about Auntie Poulet's character, and it's not really known what will happen to the Haitians after their drug factory is blown up. Not everything has to be confirmed in GTA Vice City, but a little extra could've gone a long way in making some characters even more memorable.
2) Mercedes Cortez

Mercedes Cortez was an interesting character in GTA Vice City, but she ultimately just exists as a promiscuous character Tommy can call on to help him with whatever lustful business he needs help in. It's quite a departure from seeming like a possible love interest for him, and the cut voice lines do seem to indicate that she would've been more useful back then.
She is fairly important in GTA Vice City, but there were still ways to better utilize the character. GTA Vice City fans don't get to see her interact with her father much, as the two characters do their own activities within the storyline.
1) Sonny Forelli

The main antagonist of GTA Vice City is a dastardly character, but fans don't get to see him around too much. Most of his appearances are via phone calls, most of which take place at the beginning of the game.
It would have been interesting to see him in some storyline cutscenes and how he's conspiring against Tommy Vercetti. Even adding some interactions with Lance Vance could have added a little extra oomph to the final mission of the game (while also making Lance Vance's betrayal seem less out of nowhere).
Even a few more phone calls could've fleshed out Sonny's character better. He's been friends with Tommy since childhood, but fans won't know this when they're playing the game (as it was revealed in an interview with Dan Houser).
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.