The GTA series is known for its large variety of vehicles. From weaponized vehicles and style-oriented eye-catchers to insanely fast beasts, the GTA franchise has it all.
There's no single way to judge vehicles. While some players prioritize design over performance, others don't mind compromising a bit on quality in exchange for good looks.
This article talks about 5 of the most iconic vehicles in the GTA series.
What are the most iconic cars in the GTA franchise?
#5 The Zebra Cab (GTA Vice City)

A vehicle like the Zebra Cab may not sell like hot cupcakes in 2021. However, back when GTA Vice City was released, a cab boasting zebra stripes was bound to become an obsession for players.
Not only was this iconic vehicle a sight to behold, but it was also super fast and performed remarkably well. The GTA series set the bar high for its subsequent games with this one-of-a-kind vehicle.
#4 The Cuban Hermes (GTA Vice City)

While the whole Phoenix phenomenon may have turned into an annoying cliche, flames have and will always be a symbolic icon. The Cuban Hermes is one of the most memorable vehicles featured in the GTA Series, sporting royal black armor covered in flames.
As far as looks are considered, the Cuban Hermes left many of its contemporaries in the dust. Its performance was also awe-inspiring, considering how fast it could accelerate and how its handling barely required any input. All in all, it is one of the best vehicles featured in the GTA series.
#3 The Infernus (GTA San Andreas)

Just when players thought the GTA series couldn't get any more interesting, Rockstar released the much-anticipated Infernus.
The Infernus is the fastest vehicle in GTA San Andreas, recorded at a top speed of 150 mph. Its traction is amazing, its handling is top-notch and its acceleration is beyond impressive.
The Infernus boasts a sleek and sturdy exterior, inspired by the Legendary Honda NSX.
#2 The Vigilante (GTA Online)

The Vigilante is, and perhaps always will be, one of the most intimidating vehicles featured in the GTA series. It boasts a unique and aerodynamic bodywork where the front end of the car sports two iconic pronged fins and a narrow profile.
Recorded at a top speed of 150 mph, the Vigilante is one of the fastest land vehicles in GTA Online.
#1 The Pegassi Toreador (GTA Online)

Before the Oppressor MK II changed the entire dynamic of Freemode (what with the griefers and all), the Pegassi Toreador was unanimously agreed upon as the most unparalleled and unique vehicle in the entire GTA series.
The Oppressor MK II may have outclassed the Toreador in some areas (body weight, for instance), but it's still quite unchallenged in terms of speed, performance and utility.