Everyone wants to live a good life in GTA Online. After all, that is the point of playing a video game. People want to be able to have things they cannot afford in real life.
Investment is important, if not critical, to make sure all those hard-earned bucks do not slip down the drain with no substantial return. This article talks about 5 of the most important investments players can make in GTA Online in 2021.
Note: This article reflects the author's views
5 most potent investments players can make in GTA Online in 2021
5) The Buzzard Attack Chopper
GTA Online features a number of weaponized beasts but none quite outclass the insanely popular Buzzard Attack Chopper when it comes to sheer power and equipment. The Buzzard is more of a military weapon than a means to get around. Equipped with a number of devastating weapons, it is second only to the Oppressor MK II in GTA Online.
Supply/sell missions require players to travel halfway across the map and wade through resentful tryhards. Instead of taking unnecessary risks, players can hop into their Buzzard and complete missions safely.
Admittedly, the Buzzard is a little expensive but it's arguably one of the best vehicles in GTA Online and makes for a great investment.
4) Cocaine Lockup
Most MC businesses are fairly profitable, but the Cocaine Lockup is simply one of the best ones in GTA Online. It ranks highly among the most lucrative businesses in GTA Online and generates the big bucks in the background with little to no supervision on the player's part.
The Cocaine Lockup is a passive business and mints money in the background while the player focuses on missions and other activities.
Sell missions can be a little tedious, but players can save time by purchasing supplies instead of stealing them. While paying for supplies will eat into the profits, it will save a lot of time in the long run.
3) CEO Office - Warehouse
If players haven't already bought the CEO office in GTA Online, they're missing out on a good deal of cash-breeding fun.
Registering as a CEO and purchasing an office allows players to start the import/export business, which is arguably one of the best ways to make money in GTA Online.
Players can buy two kinds of warehouses in GTA Online:
- Vehicle Warehouse
- Special Cargo Warehouse
Each is profitable in their own right and allows players to make a lot of money without grinding 24/7.
2) Gunrunning
Much like the Cocaine Lockup, Gunrunning is an incredibly profitable business that runs in the background and allows players to scale that financial ladder with ease.
Similar to the cocaine lockup, players will benefit more from stealing supplies at the start but they should soon move to purchasing supplies to optimize the system and save time.
1) The Oppressor MK II
The Oppressor Mk II is the most destructive vehicle in GTA Online. Equipped with a number of lethal weapons, the Oppressor MK II indeed brews a lot of chaos in an online lobby.
This flying bike also allows players to take to the skies with the push of a button and fire bombs on those below.