GTA 5 gave players a really big open world to explore. Not only was the map big and spread out, but it was also filled with details and points of interest. The developers took their sweet time and created a beautiful open world map for players.
But after all these years, there are still a lot of places that are out of players' reach. This article will deal with 5 inaccessible places in GTA 5 that players want to visit.
5 out of bounds places in GTA 5
1) Bachelor Mansion

If players visit Vinewood Hills in GTA 5, a gorgeous mansion greets them. Many guess it to be a replica of the mansion on reality show The Bachelor. Although the inside of this building is inaccessible, players who are interested can have a look at the outside areas of the huge mansion. The mansion's design is copied from the original mansion used in the television series, but with some minor variations.
2) Swimming Pool in the Hotel

If players want to have some alone time in a large swimming pool then they should visit this in GTA 5. There is a large hotel exactly in the middle of Los Santos' map in which players can access this swimming pool.
Rockstar has done a great job in sneaking an unquestionably aimless, yet fun spot. This location is not marked on the map and is difficult to see from the streets. Players can access the area through the doors of the hotel itself that leads to a corridor that ultimately exits to an outdoor pool.
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3) Tongva Cave
There is another great little hideout amidst the Tongva Hills in GTA 5. Players can get to this location only via a helicopter or an aircraft. This cave might be hard to detect, as it may look like an insignificant shadow or some rock. But if players look carefully, there is a narrow opening into a small, dark cave with a magnificent view of the nearby area.
4) An Underwater Tank

Players can investigate the underwater spaces in GTA 5 with the use of submersible. There is an area east of Humane Labs where players can explore underwater to find something really cool. Players will find the remains of lots of military types of equipment. These remains have one quite interesting thing hidden for players: a Panzer tank, or what remains of one.
5) The Frozen Alien
Rockstar has hidden a great surprise for players just as the game starts. In the prologue, or the opening minutes of GTA 5, when players are driving along and they reach the railroad, players are advised to drive over the railroad. Rather, players need to take the right turn and go under the bridge. There will be an alien trapped frozen in the ice underneath the bridge.
Also read: 5 missions from GTA 5 that tested players' patience