5 locations from the GTA Series that exist in real life

GTA has some of the best scenic locations in any video game (Image via BattleMats)
GTA has some of the best scenic locations in any video game (Image via BattleMats)

In addition to a host of memorable characters, storylines, and plot twists, the GTA franchise is also well known for its luxury cars, flashy lifestyles, posh locations, and infrastructural marvels.

Now, while most players are aware that most cars in-game are based off their real-life counterparts; newcomers to the series are left in the dark about the fact that many locations and buildings in-game are based or inspired by real life references.

Although the resemblance and similarities are uncanny for a few locations and buildings in the games, others are a photocopy of their real life counterparts; created digitally, equipped with all their bells and whistles. With that being said, here are five locations from the GTA series that exist in real life.


Five locations from the GTA franchise that have been inspired by their real world counterparts

1) Kincaid Bridge - GTA San Andreas

The Kincaid Bridge in-game is based on its real life counterpart called the Forth Bridge, which is located just outside of Edinburgh in Scotland.

In-game, the Kincaid Bridge creates somewhat of a northern boundary for the restricted sea and airspace that surrounds the Easter Basin Naval Station. Players who stray too far from this location and move south towards the San Fierro side may end up in trouble with a five-star wanted level.

2) Del Perro Pier - GTA V

The Del Perro Pier in GTA V is no doubt a fictional place, however the location is heavily inspired by the Santa Monica Pier that is located in California. Much like its real-life counterpart, Del Perro Pier hosts a ferris wheel among other attractions, and is highly populated by people in both the real and reel world.


3) Vinewood Sign - GTA San Andreas, GTA V

It's pretty evident that the Vinewood Sign is a direct copy of the Hollywood sign with just the name changed to better suit the game. The Vinewood Sign is located in Los Santos and is featured in two games from the franchise.

4) Los Santos Tower - GTA San Andreas

The Los Santos Tower is modeled after the real-life U.S. Bank Tower, which stands at 310 meters tall. The skyscraper in-game is a very popular building for players to do some base jumping.

Although it stands slightly shorter than the real McCoy, it more or less looks exactly the same as its real life counterpart.


5) Rancho Towers - GTA V

Rancho Towers are located in the southern area of Los Santos, and unknown to most players, they are modeled after their real life counterparts known as Watt Towers, located in Los Angeles.

Much like their real-life inspiration, the Rancho Towers don't do much other than serve as an in-game decoration, and perhaps used by players as a minor landmark.

Also Read: 5 hidden secrets in GTA games that took players ages to find

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