Throughout the years, GTA continues to add major gameplay elements that change the experience.
The GTA series has two decades underneath their belt. As a result, the first games look nothing like the latest ones. They still retain similar gameplay concepts. However, each new game offers a different take on certain features. For example, the combat system tends to evolve in each generation.
These major advancements are what gives Rockstar its reputation. This is what takes the game to the next level. Here are some of the biggest advances in the series.
Five groundbreaking advances in the GTA series
5) Swimming
Water used to be as deadly as an explosion in early GTA titles. When the mechanic was introduced in GTA San Andreas, everything changed for the series. Players can now freely explore islands without a boat as drowning is the only risk they have to take.
Players also no longer have to worry about cheap deaths. GTA 3 and Vice City were prone to these types of accidents.
4) AI behavior
Pedestrian behavior has changed significantly throughout the years. They went from simple animations to detailed behavior in later games. For example, GTA 5 pedestrians can take pictures of beautiful cars.
GTA 4 was a major step in AI behavior. Pedestrians would have preset injury animations, depending on where they were hurt. Police could also chase other criminals besides the players. Liberty City feels more alive as a result.
3) Mission checkpoints
GTA missions can range from deceptively easy to relentlessly difficult. The early games were brutal in this regard. Players may go through several enemies, unresponsive controls, and small time limits.
Mission checkpoints made it much easier. Players no longer had to endure an entire gauntlet. Instead, they could start where they left off. This would help reduce frustrations with overly long missions.
2) Cover system and combat
GTA 4 completely redefined the combat system. It introduced a cover mechanic that allowed for more defensive approaches. The ragdoll physics also changed how combat looked. Gone were the days of preset animations as every NPC reacts differently to each shot. Unsurprisingly, it looks more realistic.
Chinatown Wars would later add a spinning wheel for weapon usage. This provided quick changes for each weapon. Combat in the HD Universe is more dynamic than previous entries.
1) Transition from 2D to 3D
This is the most impressive one from a development standpoint as the GTA series gained notoriety for its violence. However, the top-down perspective held it back. Owing to this aspect, GTA used to get mixed reviews from critics.
It wasn't until GTA 3 that everything changed. Rockstar expanded on the open world concept and made it even better. Going from a 2D experience to 3D is a massive undertaking. Against the odds, Rockstar managed to redefine the sandbox genre with their entry. The rest is video game history.
One can chart GTA's progress by listing its relentless ingenuity and innovation. Rockstar's iconic franchise is a stalwart of gaming for multiple reasons, not least because of incorporating bespoke ideas and features.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.