Gangs often play an integral role in the GTA series, meaning that some of them are bound to be remembered by the player.
GTA is a series all about crime, and these gangs are (unsurprisingly) strongly associated with crime. However, not all GTA gangs are like the traditional ones found in the real world. For example, the Leaf Link Golfers are classified as a gang in GTA Vice City, despite just being elderly people playing golf.
As a result, the GTA series has quite a diverse selection of gangs to consider for an article like this one. Both friendly and antagonistic gangs have their fair share of memorable moments within the GTA series, although the former tend to be remembered more fondly by GTA fans.
Five memorable gangs in the GTA series
#5 - Haitians

Controversies make certain topics easier to remember. Unsurprisingly, many GTA Vice City fans remember the Haitians for the numerous controversies associated with them and how a real ethnic group was portrayed in a video game.
The Cubans show up in GTA Vice City Stories whereas the Haitians do not, yet their role in GTA Vice City can't be ignored. Future GTA games would avoid making an entire gang based on a single ethnic group, and it's easy to remember why that's the case.
#4 - Ballas
If the Grove Street Families are among the most popular and well-known gangs in the GTA series, then it's only fair to have their arch-nemesis, the Ballas, on a list like this one.
Both the Ballas and the Vagos play an instrumental role in being a thorn in Grove Street's side, but the former is more important thanks to their connections with C.R.A.S.H. and Big Smoke.
#3 - The Epsilon Program
Some GTA games list gangs as any group of individuals within the statistics screen. Technically speaking, a cult is similar to a gang in some aspects, particularly in the ones relevant to the GTA games.
Before GTA 5, the Epsilon Program was a pretty mysterious group with questionable origins. In GTA 5, this cult is best known for the intentionally frustrating missions, such as Exercising the Truth, where Michael must travel for five miles on foot.
#2 - The Lost MC

Going from a prominent gang to a nuisance that Trevor Philips kills easily is quite the downward spiral. However, The Lost MC is still a memorable gang that plays a crucial role in every game they show up in.
The connection to the Lost MC isn't as strong for most players as it is with the Grove Street Families. Despite this, it's still Johnny Klebitz's gang, and the Lost and Damned is all about the camaraderie between bikers, even when everything turns out for the worse for all members involved.
#1 - Grove Street Families

There aren't many gangs more influential to a protagonist than the Grove Street Families are to CJ. Some protagonists aren't part of a gang, whereas other protagonists form their gang later on in the GTA games they're from.
However, the Grove Street Families play a crucial role from beginning to end in GTA San Andreas. Several major characters, like Sweet, Big Smoke, and Ryder are associated with the gang, with the latter two's betrayal rocking the core of the gang's influence in Los Santos.
This gang is also present in GTA 5, albeit with a significantly reduced role.
Note: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.