GTA 3 Definitive Edition will add some significant improvements to the missions.
Rockstar Games will rectify a serious issue with GTA 3, as the original game was persistently difficult. Most of it was due to outdated features. The control scheme and game design need to be reworked for a modern setting, which the GTA 3 Definitive Edition will do.
There will be several updates to the player's experience as Rockstar promises a control scheme like GTA 5. These remasters will also improve the targeting system.
Last but not least, the camera will control much better, allowing GTA 3 Definitive Edition to reduce potential frustrations.
Five missions that will improve in GTA 3 Definitive Edition
5) Turismo
The classic GTA 3 had rigid camera placement, which changed depending on the direction a player faced. This made it harder to see nearby enemies, though, at the very least, PC players could change the setup.
GTA 3 Definitive Edition fixes this problem with a modern control scheme. Racing missions like Turismo will benefit significantly from this, as it mainly applies to driving in general.
Players can now get a better sense of their surroundings.
4) A Drop in the Ocean
Players had to recover packages while driving a boat in this mission. The main problem with the original game was the camera, as they could accidentally miss their target.
Readers must keep in mind that gamers could not move the camera around. Instead, they had to turn the boat around manually.
GTA 3 Definitive Edition solves this problem the same way it does for Turismo, as users can freely move the camera. A better control scheme does wonders for this old game.
3) The Exchange
This is the final mission in GTA 3 Definitive Edition. Shooting wasn't straightforward in the original game, as players couldn't manually aim their weapons like the modern games. This made hitting enemies more difficult, and there were several in the final mission.
GTA 3 Definitive Edition is merciful with its GTA 5 control scheme. Gamers can now use a much better targeting system, and there is more control with each shot they make. They no longer have to fight their controllers.
2) S.A.M.
This was a brutal mission for several reasons. Players had to clear out powerful enemies before they could shoot down an airplane.
It was much easier said than done. If gamers missed with their rocket launcher, they would fail the mission, requiring them to go all the way back to Asuka Kasen, who lives on Staunton Island.
Meanwhile, the mission took place in Shoreside Vale, so it was a very frustrating trip back to her.
Rockstar offers a great solution with mission restarts. Users can start over the mission instead of going all the way back. It's not the mission checkpoint that fans were hoping for, but this will do for the time being.
1) Espresso-2-Go!
Asuka always gave away the hardest missions, and the problem with this one was the lack of a map. Classic GTA 3 lacked this important feature.
This mission required players to use one if they wanted to destroy the coffee stands.
Readers can expect a usable map feature in GTA 3 Definitive Edition. That alone will make the mission easier. Rockstar will also update the map navigation, so gamers can now follow easier routes.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.