GTA 6 is already shaping up to be quite a different game compared to its predecessors. The recent leaks show off some notable differences between it and GTA 5. While some of them are obvious, others will be part of some more niche clips that readers might have missed.
This article will first start with the more notable differences before diving into the easily missable ones. GTA 5 was a legendary game, and the early leaks point to GTA 6 following in its footsteps quite nicely.
Note: Actual screenshots and footage of GTA 6 can't be shown here for legal reasons.
Five aspects that set GTA 6 apart from GTA 5 (based on the recent leaks)
1) Setting

The most obvious detail to confirm right away is that GTA 6 takes place in Vice City. It's something that many people predicted would happen, but Rockstar Games hadn't revealed anything about the game. The recent mega-leak changed that, much to the company's dismay.
Vice City is a location that players have wanted to see for a long time now, especially since they spent the last nine years in the state of San Andreas. GTA 5's world has been explored for a long time now, so it's refreshing to see something new.
2) Protagonists

GTA 5 was the first game in the series to have multiple playable protagonists at once. Franklin, Michael, and Trevor were all unique characters with different motivations and stories. GTA 6 is similar to this game in the sense that there will still be multiple protagonists.
However, the number of playable characters is different. Earlier leaks pointed to there only being two protagonists, and the recent mega-leak confirmed that. The two playable characters are Jason and Lucia.
The addition of Lucia is also something that sets the next game in the series apart from its predecessors. It hasn't been since the 2D Universe that gamers could play as a female protagonist in a single-player game.
3) Enterable diners

One notable omission from GTA 5 was the ability to enter restaurants, diners, and fast food joints. It's not as if other games in the series didn't have them. Even a game as old as GTA Vice City had the ability to enter Well Stacked Pizza.
That appears to have changed in GTA 6 since the most prominent leak shows Jason and Lucia robbing a diner together. Not much is known about what the duo can do after what's presumably a mission, but it's still neat to see something previously inaccessible in the last game return here.
4) A lower crouch

The protagonists in GTA 5 crouched much higher than one would expect. That's not to say it was useless. The feature was still more than capable of allowing players to sneak around and possibly knock somebody out immediately with a melee attack.
It's just that it looked awkward. The only time it looked good was when the player was using the cover system.
The recent GTA 6 leak shows that Jason can crouch much lower than the previous protagonists can do, and that's without having to cover behind something. The new game's crouching mechanic is more reminiscent of how CJ would sneak around in GTA San Andreas.
There was also a clip of Jason sneaking around like Solid Snake, something that was definitely not in the last game.
5) Gun mechanics

One interesting thing seen in several GTA 6 clips is that the protagonist seems to store a gun on their back. Another clip appeared to show that there was a limited weapon capacity, as Jason replaced one gun with another, even though they were of different types.
Neither of those two mechanics was present in GTA 5. In that game, the player could have as many guns as they'd like, and only the active weapon would show up.
It is vital to mention that the content shown in leaks is subject to change.