GTA San Andreas is a fantastic game from beginning to end. Despite this, there are some minor bumps players might overlook. However, no video game is truly perfect, and GTA San Andreas is no exception. It's a terrific video game with some overlooked flaws.
Here are the five most overlooked flaws in the popular title.
Five of the most overlooked flaws in GTA San Andreas
#5 - Annoying glitches

All video games have glitches in some capacity, but GTA San Andreas does have a couple of game-breaking ones that can be very annoying. The most obvious one for players is the mission where Madd Dogg is trying to suicide. If a player activated a cheat like "pedestrians riot" anytime before doing that mission, then there would be a good chance Madd Dogg will always kill himself.
For most players, they would have to start over (unless they have a backup prior to cheating). However, there are also more frustrating glitches that can affect all players. For example, saving at Madd Dogg's crib can prevent the player from playing basketball there.
Of course, losing the ability to ever work out again is a far worse glitch if a player finishes a workout regime on the wrong day.
#4 - Lack of context
![Image via Bilinmeyen Ent. [GTA Series Videos] (YouTube)]( 190w, 720w, 640w, 1045w, 1200w, 1460w, 1600w, 1920w)
This is more of a flaw for fans who care about storytelling and lore. GTA San Andreas is all about the present and what the players see in 1992, which can sometimes leave the player with some unanswered questions about the past.
For example, how did CJ's little brother, Brian, die? If a player takes a deep dive into the lore of GTA San Andreas, they will find that it's surprisingly barren regarding the context within the story.
Again, it's not a major flaw by any means, yet it's still worth noting as it's often overlooked.
#3 - Removal of gang territories after a key cutscene happens

It makes perfect sense from a storytelling perspective as to why Grove Street loses all his territories when Sweet is sent to prison. But that doesn't make it any less frustrating for players who acquired all the gang territory beforehand. It ultimately makes the feature pointless until the player returns to Los Santos within the storyline.
It's not something most players go through, but it is still incredibly agitating for those that were foolish enough to take full advantage of this feature early on. They will have to start over once CJ returns to Los Santos, but players are not notified that this could happen on their first playthrough of GTA San Andreas.
#2 - Removal of Taxi Rides

Taxi Rides are a feature introduced in GTA Vice City where players can take a taxi to get back to the mission marker in the instance that they fail a mission (either by being wasted or busted). It's an incredibly useful quality-of-life feature, especially if a player is constantly getting frustrated by some random mission. Unfortunately, it does not exist in GTA San Andreas.
GTA San Andreas has a much bigger map than GTA Vice City, which means that players would have to travel farther to restart the mission. To add insult to injury, the later GTA titles would reintroduce this feature more comprehensively.
#1 - Eating

If players don't like to save often, they will eventually face starvation. While it does add realism to GTA San Andreas, some fans could feel like it's incredibly annoying to constantly have to either save or eat every 72 hours. Unsurprisingly, this feature is yet to return to the GTA series. While other features being dropped are often disappointing, it's hard to say if this is one of them.
Players can still eat in later GTA titles, but they're no longer mandated to do so. Plus, most players save often, so this is a feature that some players would never be aware of. Thus, it's not an essential feature to add in future GTA titles, especially since it wasn't well-liked by a good portion of GTA San Andreas fans.
Note: This article reflects the writer’s personal views.