The introduction of GTA Online has significantly contributed to the success of GTA 5. The multiplayer mode offers a variety of new content and has added so many things that players can now do while playing the popular game.
Unfortunately, life in GTA Online is similar to real life, and things don't come easy. Players have to set up their own businesses or get jobs and grind hard to reach the top. Luckily, some of these are much more rewarding than others, and if players manage to set up the right businesses, they are set for life in GTA Online.
Naturally, setting up these businesses is not an easy task, and while some of these can be done solo, the rest require trustworthy friends and a capable squad.
Best businesses in GTA Online in 2021
Here are the 5 best businesses that players can get into in GTA Online in 2021 if they want to earn a lot of money:
1) Vehicle Warehouse
Using the source missions in GTA 5, players can obtain supercars and exclusive vehicles. Exporting cars in GTA Online is one of the most profitable businesses, with a payout of millions depending on how hard the players grind.

Players can get up to 10 cars of a kind from the source mission and sell them all for a profit. These top-range cars can stay in your warehouse once you have obtained them. The bigger the warehouse, the more cars it can fit, which will only result in more money.
2) Bunker Business
The business of arms and ammunition takes place in the dark, and it is what GTA Online veterans refer to as the Bunker Business. While it is one of the riskiest businesses and players can get caught and lose everything, it still has one of the highest payouts out of all the businesses in GTA Online.

If players run their bunker strategically, the profitable GTA Online business can help them earn up to $1 million from a full bar of weapon stock. Repeat this multiple times, and the payout goes into millions even if players spend their money buying the stock instead of stealing it to decrease the risk.
3) Coke Lock Up
Coke Lock Ups require a hefty investment, but if players work their way up and expand their delivery, it is certainly a profitable business in GTA Online, especially if players have run out of other options.
Depending on how much money the player has, they can buy an MC Clubhouse and a coke lock up. The workers in the lock-up will prepare the supply themselves, and players can earn fat cash selling their supply.
4) Warehouse
Another profitable business in GTA Online is the warehouse, and the best thing about this business is that players can run it solo. All they have to do is buy a warehouse, expand it to hold the maximum amount of crates with the help of friends and sell as much as they can to earn up to $2.2 million.
5) Arcade
The arcade is unarguably the best business to run in GTA Online in 2021. Not only does it generate a $50,000 passive income that keeps piling up without the players having to break a sweat, but it also allows players to take part in the Diamond Casino Heist that players can complete and earn up to $3.6 million.

Another reason why the arcade is the most profitable business in GTA Online is that apart from the money, it also saves time by letting players buy a master terminal and manage multiple businesses from a single spot.
Also read: 5 most expensive properties players can own in GTA Online