Every game has some bugs or glitches, and GTA San Andreas is no exception to this. Due to the massive size of the games, some bugs usually make their way into the final build.
These glitches in GTA San Andreas do not ruin the gameplay or make players quit the game, but instead, they are missable and quite small at times. While true, veteran GTA San Andreas players are known for grinding the game and finding everything there is to know about most of these glitches, many won't even notice.
This article lays out five rare glitches in GTA San Andreas that most players will never come across.
5 glitches in GTA San Andreas that go unnoticed
1) Caligula roof glitch
Caligula's Palace (aka Caligula's Casino) is located in Las Venturas district in GTA San Andreas. Players will remember this location from Breaking the Bank at Caligula's as well as Don Peyote's mission. There is a glitch where, if the player reaches the roof of the casino with a 3-star wanted level or more, the LVPD officers will spawn on the roof and start shooting at the player.
No one can reach the roof this way. If players look closely, they will see some officers falling and crashing to their deaths accidentally.
2) Another Caligula's Palace glitch
It seems like Caligula's Palace is packed with tiny glitches. There is another one that some GTA San Andreas players won't know about.
The glitch involves pedestrians who spawn inside the casino. If players shoot numerous pedestrians after entering the casino, and then visit the roof of the building, they will notice the very same pedestrians who had been killed will drop from the sky and land on the roof of the casino.
3) Tear Gas glitch
GTA San Andreas allows players to use and fiddle around with multiple weapons and tools. One such weapon that CJ has in his arsenal is Tear Gas. There is a glitch where, if players toss a Tear Gas canister into a crowd and then make a stealth kill on any NPC in the crowd, every NPC influenced by the Tear Gas will experience the same stealth kill animation and die simultaneously.
4) Whetstone highway glitch
Whetstone is a county present in the southwestern region of the map in GTA San Andreas. It is an excellent countryside location, and CJ performs some missions in this area.
In Whetstone, near Angel Pine, players might sometimes experience the traffic driving in the opposite direction even when the highway itself is one-way. The reason behind this is that the road leading to the highway is a small two-way street, and it changes to one-way when it merges with the highway.
5) Walk through the hill glitch
If players visit the north of Mount Chiliad, and south of the big radio transmitter at the top of the hill, they will find a small beach. Now, if they head a little to the left, they will notice a hill in front that can be walked through. This lets players view under the map as well as through the ground and into buildings.
Disclaimer: This article is subjective and solely reflects the opinion of the writer.
Also read: 5 countryside locations in GTA San Andreas that are cherished by players