Karin Sultan Classic debuted in GTA Online under the Diamond Casino Heist update in January 2020. It is a variant of the standard Karin Sultan sports car that has been in the game since its launch in 2013. While the latter is much cheaper and not too different in terms of performance, getting the former (the Sultan Classic) offers more to players in terms of looks, customization, and other areas.
Additionally, it is available on the Diamond Casino Podium through May 22, 2024, giving all players a chance to claim it absolutely free of cost. With that said, here are five reasons to get a Karin Sultan Classic in GTA Online.
Note - This article is subjective and only reflects the writer's opinions.
Good customizability and 4 other reasons to get a Karin Sultan Classic in GTA Online (May 2024)
1) Vintage sports car look
Rockstar Games have introduced many sports cars in GTA Online in the last decade. While many of them boast stylish neoteric designs that can easily turn heads in Los Santos, the Sultan Classic's vintage sports car look is equally capable of drawing such attention.
The car stands out among modern rides and exudes simplicity that classic car collectors find unique and attractive. Needless to say, its appearance can also be tweaked to some degree via customization.
2) It is a JDM car
Japanese Domestic Market (or simply JDM) cars are an incredibly popular vehicle category among GTA Online players. The game offers quite a few interesting options at varying prices and the Karin Sultan Classic, seemingly a combination of the Subaru Impreza GC8 and the Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution I, is perfect for those on the lookout for a classic JDM ride.
It costs $1,718,000 on Southern San Andreas Super Autos, but can also be bought for a Trade Price of $1,288,500. Additionally, it is available as the GTA Online Podium Vehicle throughout May 22, 2024, giving players a chance to claim it for free.
3) Good customizability
Rockstar Games has made a total of 24 customization categories available for the Karin Sultan Classic. These include front and rear bumpers, headlight housings, hoods, roof accessories, spoilers, liveries, and even window spoilers, along with standard performance and armor upgrades.
Completely upgrading the Karin Sultan Classic in GTA Online can cost up to $400,825, but selling Salvage Yard Robbery vehicles can help you afford it.
4) Decent overall performance
Fully upgraded, the Karin Sultan Classic can hit a 116.50 mph (187.49 km/h) top speed per expert GTA vehicle YouTuber - Broughy1322. This may not look very impressive statistically, but the car enjoys quick acceleration which helps it achieve a high speed in no time.
The Sultan Classic also offers responsive handling. Hence, even players with relatively less driving experience in GTA Online shouldn't face much trouble in maneuvering this vehicle.
5) Has four seats
Those who play GTA Online with their friends often require a vehicle with more than two seats to travel. The Karin Sultan Classic offers this luxury and its speed renders it a viable option for getting across the map quickly.
In a nutshell, those grinding business missions, heists, or jobs with active GTA Online weekly update bonuses in a squad can greatly benefit from the Sultan Classic. This classic JDM car may be expensive, even at its Trade Price, but offers good utility in the long run.