5 reasons why GTA 5 RP will never be as big as GTA Online

GTA RP is slowly catching up to GTA Online in terms of concurrent players (image via Sportskeeda)
GTA RP is slowly catching up to GTA Online in terms of concurrent players (image via Sportskeeda)

GTA RP is now bigger than ever with the game taking over Twitch and having more viewers than the original game.

It has become one of the most popular mods in gaming and many theorize that if it keeps growing at this rate it will become bigger than GTA Online.

But that is very unlikely because of the reasons that will be presented in this article.

Why GTA RP will never be as big as GTA Online

1) GTA RP is only available on PC


The biggest thing stopping GTA RP from taking over is that it is only available on PC.

GTA RP servers run on FiveM which is a mod for GTA 5 on PC, so consoles cannot access FiveM servers.

A huge chunk of the market cannot even access GTA RP because of this and sticks to Online for their GTA thrills.

2) Learning curve


Role-playing is a skill that improves overtime and needs to be learned in order to enjoy GTA RP.

A lot of players just don't want to go through the trouble of learning how to role-play and learn the rules and regulations of the server they are playing on.

GTA Online is way more accessible in that sense, as players can just boot up the game and start playing without going through a learning period.

3) Acquired taste


Role-playing has always been a niche genre of gaming that has seen very little to no growth until the release of GTA RP.

Role-playing can be called an acquired taste that many players just don't like. Many players just aren't into role-playing and would prefer to play GTA Online instead.

4) GTA Online updates are faster


GTA Online keeps its playerbase engaged by constantly updating the game and adding new content like races, missions and heists.

GTA RP server runners try their hardest to update their servers with new content but they cannot do it at the same pace as Rockstar as most of them are indie developers with little to no manpower.

This makes it hard for them to keep players engaged, causing them to stop playing and move onto other games.

5) Gameplay differences


There are various gameplay differences between the two games like for example, players have the ability to teleport in many GTA RP servers while it is impossible to do in GTA Online.

Another big difference is players don't teleport instantly when they get arrested in GTA RP. Instead, they often have to be driven to prison by other players role-playing as cops.

These features are great and add to the immersion of role-playing but many casual players find them boring and tedious.

They prefer the faster respawns and wanted system of GTA Online and prefer to stick to it.

Disclaimer: The article reflects the writer's views.

Also read: Why GTA 6 should get rid of the linear structure used for missions in GTA 5

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Edited by R. Elahi
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