GTA Online's Los Santos Tuners update surpassed many players' expectations.
Many GTA Online players love the newest update. It feels fresh, particularly because of the new features it includes. While the concept of race, robbery, and business is nothing new, the Los Santos Tuner update still introduces all of these features in a new light.
As a result, GTA Online feels fun to play again for players who have become bored of waiting for anything substantial. Of course, the bulk of its content pertains to vehicles and racing. It's been a while since fans of that type of content got anything major, so it's pretty noteworthy in that regard.
Five reasons why the Los Santos Tuner update in GTA Online is great
#5 - Plenty of new content after a drought of updates

It's always a refreshing sight when players have something new to do in GTA Online. Major content updates are scarce, often being limited to just two every year as of late.
The Los Santos Tuners update is the first major content update for 2021. Predictably, it means that there are plenty of new features and vehicles worth discussing (especially since it's an update all about cars).
#4 - Favorite radio stations
This brand new update also brought some interesting new features related to radio stations in GTA Online. First, players can now collect five Media Sticks to unlock more music for the new radio station, Media Player.
However, the new ability to set favorite radio stations is an amazing quality-of-life update. It makes listening to one's preferred radio stations a lot quicker in GTA Online, which is always useful in a game where one can't pause.
#3 - A new business to run
The Auto Shop is a pretty cool business to run in GTA Online. While Moodymann and Sessanta are obnoxious at times, the missions they give out are pretty cool. These Robbery Contracts give out good payouts and can be done solo or with other players, making it a decent alternative to other moneymaking methods.
Of course, the Auto Shop is also a legal business. Players can make money customizing some clients' vehicles and delivering the cars to them (or have their staff do it for less money).
#2 - It encourages players to show off their rides

Ever since the Los Santos Tuner update rolled out on GTA Online, more players have been displaying their rides in-game and on social media. It's not uncommon for GTA Online players to see others post their cars on Reddit for everyone to see, especially since it showcases how different everybody's vehicles look.
It's an update that's all about cars and races, and it has delivered on that front. The new cars look terrific, but it's also nice to see some old cars get attention as well.
#1 - A fun update for racing enthusiasts

GTA Online updates often focus on a core set of features that mostly entertain a few types of players. The Los Santos Tuners update is a good example of an update that mostly appeals to racing enthusiasts and car aficionados.
There are plenty of new races to partake in, and the new Test Track is a great tool for newcomers to the scene. Likewise, the new vehicles are fun to use, and the Prize Ride Challenges encourage players to race.
Note: This article reflects the writer's personal views.